Precious Princess

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Rays of sunlight reflecting in the huge glass of Hiwatari Mansion. The little boy of four year is extremely excited. His parents are not in home. His dad went out running picking his mom up after she peed in the hallroom and screamed for his father. He saw water coming down from her pants. So she might be peeing. But why would you pee in the room. He didn't know.

His father told him they were going to bring his baby sister home. She is on her way out. So they need to hurry or else she would be upset being alone. He can't wait for his baby sister. The maids clean the house and serve the toddler breakfast. But he is barely touched his food.

An elderly lady knocked the door. She beamed at Kai just as the door opened. "Hello, Kai!" "Granny" toddler shouted as he jumped on her. She lovingly ruffled his unique dual hair. It never fail to amaze her how much this kid resembles their son-in-law. "Why momma papa taking soo long?" Little Kai asked adorably with a pout in his chubby face. "You sister has born today Kai. Would you like to see her?" Kai nodded eagerly.

No sooner had they sat in the car, Sayori was boombered with questions from her grandson. "How is she?? Is she pwetty?? Can I pway with'er?? Will she love me?? I wanna meet her. Did you meet her!!!!...

The list went on and on with Sayori either nodding or chuckling at his antics. Until the car finally stopped, she needed to catch the kid's hand so he doesn't start running.

3rd floor room number 290. There the are a nevy hair young man and a brunet girl. She is holding a little boy in her arm. The kid is slightly younger than Kai. "Hello, Misses Takahashi!"  The boy bowed politely and the woman follow the same. "Hello Bruce. Is that your son Tyson." The women smiled. "Yeah! He is 18months only."  She smiled and put the boy down as it begun to squirming. The kid has little tanned skin. Large doe eyes and a adoringly smile plastered on its face. "Hwoo!!" He tried to approach Kai but Kai simply ignoring the kid.

This wonder Sayori how Kai always act upon his Russian genes even though he have never been there. The kid  have a hard time talking to strangers even around his own age. When
He acts perfectly fine around them However Kai's indifference did nothing to the enthusiasm of the nevy haired kid. He talked on and on. Slowly but surely Kai opened up to him. Sayori smiled at the kids, Kai is not unsociable he merely takes his time judging people.

Susumu came out almost just then,"It's a healthy baby." The other young man patted his shoulder, "Congratulations, Man!!" "Can we go in??" Susumu nodded. The other kid seemed to be more excited than Kai himself as he ran but stumbled on his foot and hold on to Kai for balance and little Kai helping him up. "You okay?" Scrolling. The toddler grinning sheepishly,"I wunaa see the baiiby soon". Kai simply walking casually suddenly leaving his childish antics. Susumu smiled at his son. Kai is having a hard time around other kid. Looking like he finally got a friend.

Tyson started to jump to get a look at the baby in the bedside crib. Then Sayori held the baby down. So both Tyson can see her, "MoMA MoMA look She is so cutttee." Said mother smiled, "yeah she is!!"


"And here she is!"Susumu took the tiny bundle from the nurse and held his daughter for the first time ever.

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⏰ Last updated: 4 days ago ⏰

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