Regretful Heart

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Blitzkrieg Boys could easily sense the tension of the siblings even from the upstairs. There was pin drop silence, all of them, being utterly confused, giving Tala a questioning look. Once upstairs, Tala decided to bring them out of their misery,

"She is Kai's sister."

Yes, Tala did recognize that pretty little girl from the Russia. Kai and Kaya have many resemblances like similar rubi eyes,pale skin. Though unlike Kai, she has beautiful waist length sky blue hair. She had grown up a lot since the last time. She has been pretty feminine and a have a beautiful figure. What the heck is he thinking!

Tala shook his head in order to clear his thoughts. How after all these years Kai still hold a relationship with his sister is a mistry to Tala. Kai never mentioned her in front of the others, so they didn't even know that Kai had a sister in the first place. He shoved her away years ago, Tala never understood why. Whenever Kai opened up with Tala about his family and sister, Tala actually sensed the love and affection Kai always tried to hide from the world. He was always been the One to hear Kai, whenever he felt alone and missed his sister or others. Tala kept asking himself why someone would push somebody away when they love them so much.

Tala absolutely can put the pieces together now. Kai always wanted to keep her hidden, Keep her safe. Having such a harsh treatment from Voltaire, Kai surely doesn't want her to get the same ever. Tala sighed as he heard Kai and Kaya's voices from there. He knew Kai is pissed right now, he just hoped Kai would not say or do something that he would regret latter. Kai cared about her too much. That just gave Kai another reason to be pissed about the mistake that girl made today.

She just asked for it. Coming inside the world Kai wanted her to stay out of so desperately. Ian yawned breaking the painful silence of the room they were seating together for last couple of times. None said a single word. Tala knew all of them are lost in their thoughts. Probably in their memories, memories of dark halls of abbey, cold sleepless nights, the world they live in , family is too much to ask for. Demolition Boys always put a strong carefree face, but any single blow and they are nothing but some scared teens fear Boras like hell.

Ironic! Isn't it?

Director Boras is creating a bunch of prideful strong independent bladders. But they all fear him like hell. No matter how much they try to show how strong they are, almost every one of them wake up from sleep for nightmares. Well! Those are not actually just dream, those are memories haunt them down disregarding everything else. They screamed like hell out of pain,out of fear, all they got as answer was a maniac laugh from a purple haired bustard. They were beaten up until they stand up despite the pain. Life is easier now though, after becoming world champions for two years, they are not simply whipped every now and then. Once in a while or two. Their beatings doesn't hurt as much as did earlier. Maybe they are used to it by now. Will they ever make it out of there!

One more sigh escaped from Tala. He led Ian to the bed. They heard some little sounds some time ago. But now it's silent again, until a certain thumping footsteps approached through the stairs. One look at the person in front him, Tala's heart beat almost stopped. Kai's shirt was let loose, hair messy, crimson blood on knuckles, head bowed down as if too ashamed to raise.

Kai didn't really remember the rest of the night. He obviously knew that he was in his room at this point. He vaguely registered Tala told him something on his way to the bedroom.

Kai just limped past his former teammates and across the ways to the room, keeping his head down and not caring about anything.

He hadn't raised his head even when he took a shower. His frozen skin prickled furiously as the hot water poured over his figure.

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