My Precious Sister

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(P.O.V of Kai)

Am I really this much coward that I run from my little sister!!
No! No,no Kai Hiwatari does not flee from anyone and after all she is my precious little sister. She deserves to know me. If anyone in this world should know me completely it's Kaya.

(P.O.V of Kaya)

Until last minute I was doubting that something is seriously wrong with my brother but now I am one hundred percent sure about it.
'What's the matter Brother?'.My thoughts cut off as the door opened again and my brother walked inside.
The pain & guilt of his eyes were long gone,a bit of confidence have taken the place.I smirked as he finally looked at me.
                      (P.O.V of None)

Kai walked towards Kaya and started putting medicine on the cut of her face as if nothing happened. Kaya frowned at Kai. She continues doing it in a funny way until Kai smiled and break the silence

Kai: Sister,you will have winkles  on your face in this age if you keep on frowning like this.
Kaya:(shocked) What! Says the kid who has become almost 40 years old mature in his 15.(smiling)

Kai: If I am a kid then you are...

Kaya:(Cut his line) your nanny!!

          (Laughing now)
      (Kai rolled his eyes)

Kaya: So, brother did you love your those freaking blade shark's so much that you have a face paint representing shark teeth? (Making a come-to-the-point-style face raising one eyebrow)
Kai: What!! It's 'war paint' I first wore it when I declared to erase Beyblade.

Kaya: (Totally Confused) What the f**,

(She stopped before completing as her brother hit on her head with a rolled newspaper and give her a glare.)

Kaya: ok, okay fine! No swearing. But brother I would have believed you hate beyblading even if you told it to me yesterday. But today I know you are the leader of a beyblading gang, what do you mean by you wanna erase beyblading!!!!
Kai: That's it, they defeat local kids and shred their beyblades, I enjoy beyblading as I shred my opponent's blade.

Kaya: Then you want to be the best beyblader so that you can destroy everyone's blade.(making big eyes)
Kai :(smirked).
Kaya:But may I know the reason of your this hatred? (With sad face)
(Kai patted his little sister's head.Still questioning himself should he open or not.)
Kai: Dad, left me choosing beyblading.

He spoke in one breath, trying hard to control anger. Kaya looked at her brother and hold his hand tightly. Without any single word,Kai looked at her and started treating her cuts.There was a long silence But Kaya's eye become teary. Kai wiped her tears and kissed on her forehead.

Kai: But I never knew what happened to you and mom!(placing a question eye)
Kaya: And you never question anything about it in this ten years.(looking at Kai,whose hesitation was crystal clear) I will tell you the day when you will tell me the entire truth. And I will get the story in the easy way or the hard one.
Kai: (smirked as it was his dialogue) You know you're really my sister. Let's go to the hospital.
Kaya: No! Why doctor? Are you serious? I'm fine totally alright.

Kaya tried to walk but was almost falling down caught by Kai. Kai just smiled giving her a funny glare.
Kaya: Ok,fine. let's go.(sighed)

(P.O.V of Kai)

Though I cleaned most of Kaya's cuts but her leg was highly injured,so I suggested for doctor. Like always my stubborn sister started refusing and tried to show she is fine. But she was almost falling down and I caught.
We reached to the chamber. The doctor seems to know her as he gave her a familiar smile. "So,what did you do now, young lady?" He asked smilingly and noticing her leg. So my little sister is quite used to injuries, I smirked at her. As he examined her leg, he asked,"It's a deep wound. How did you got this, Miss.Takahashi?" I  flinched at the last name but remember it's from my mother's name as she was Mishaki Takahashi But according to the tradition, she should inherit Hiwatari name. 
"In the training session of Marshall art!" She lied in a second. "You're still taking that training. Anyways, you have to give it a break for some days,I guess as your leg needs time to recover. Take rest!" Then he told, "And you?Do I know you?" Pointing me.
"Kai Hiwatari," I said. Kaya suddenly drew doctor's attention said making a puppy eyes,"Uncle Simon! If you please keep it a secret from grandma. I mean you know if she knows she will freak out! Please!!" "Ok,ok I know my child. Take care!" He said smilingly.

(P.O.V of Kaya)

We leave the hospital it's afternoon I should go to home. Suddenly I noticed a beyblading tournament poster on the wall. It's so exciting. "Did you see that brother!!"I asked my brother. He said "hnn". I rolled my eyes.
'I wish I could participate!!' I thought. "Are you participating?" I asked him. He nodded in an affirmative way. I started for home but he grabbed my hand. "Where do you think you going?"he frowned. "Home!" I answered.  He sighed. "Why don't you come brother? Grandma is not in home. Liana will be very happy and excited to see you." I added. "That's exactly what I hate!" He said. I rolled my eyes.
Suddenly my phone rang and I picked that up. It was my grandma and one other familiar voice I guessed.I said "Hello!"very innocently but my grandma's reply was a high volumed shouted "Kaya! Where are you? Have you any idea how afraid I was! You didn't picked up phone, didn't have your lunch. Just what do you think you have become?" As usual,my grandma was super angry at me,I was very embarrassed but Kai actually knew that grandma becomes hyper sometimes. Still instead of helping me, my brother was standing beside me holding his laughing face. I frowned at him and answer, "Grandma,will you let me explain,please??" "No, I know you will make some more excuses like you made when I received your poor marks," she said in her angry voice,"Don't you dare joining that beyblade competition. You know what I mean Kaya, I know about the championship going to be held in the town but I want you to stay away from spot light." "So that's why you call me granny, right?" I asked with my broken voice. "I am sorry my dear! but very soon you would know the reason."she sounded equally broken.
"No, I think it's time to tell her the truth Saira" another voice said very low voice. Grandma's sound,"But she is just a child!" And the call was cut. My brother seemed confused about the last part of our conversation and his question was very clear.
"WHY WOULD I NOT PERTICIPATE!" I said instead of him playfully. He rolled his eyes.

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