Forgotten Memory

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Dedicated to: YasminRajput Chhinasahib

You guys are the reason I keep going.

A young boy no older than eight stood on his own, fully dressed in black, his arms tightly wrapped around his small body. Small, silvery tears leaking out of his crimson eyes, as kids passed by him, throwing him looks of disgust and fear.

The boy stood in the underground room of the abbey building, his little hands clasped over his mouth as he stared wide-eyed at the bloody figure of a female lying spread-eagle, face-down on the stony ground of abbey. The boy's eyes darted up to roof of a building just a couple of feet behind the unmoving body, realization dawning on him trainers and guards came running over.

He remembered what happened or precisely what he had done!!

A dark phoenix rose high in the chamber, its power too strong for the thick, stone walls, as they started to crumble and the roof began to cave in. A high, ear-piercing screech erupted from the creature, shattering glass, the whole chamber piling with broken shards, dust filing the area. A body of woman fall from the upper floor. Amidst all the chaos and rubble was a boy, slowly sinking to his knees, wondering what he had set loose. The floor was trembling, fires were breaking out and alarms were going off, the boy could only watch as the phoenix became a nothing but a blur and soon all he could feel was pain increasing until he eventually felt numb fall on his knees.


Sirens wailed. People rushed about in a blur, shouting for help or searching frantically for others trapped under the rubble of the old monastery, half of which had caved in and was left in a smoking, smouldering wreck, thanks to the curiosity of one young boy.

The same boy who was now sitting on a low, half-built stone wall a safe distance away from the ruin, covered in dust and dirt and small cuts and bruises, shivering inspite of the heavy, fur-lined coat draped around his small frame as he watched the scene with fearful, slightly teary amethyst eyes. He sat a little way off from the group of boys who were huddled together, some of the younger ones clinging to each other in fright, while the older boys whispered amongst themselves, occasionally looking at him warily or even pointing. He did not pay them much attention. He was terrified of what had happened...what he had caused. How could one Beyblade do so much damage? He tried to remember exactly what had transpired earlier in the night, but his memory was frustratingly hazy... all he could remember was taking Black Dranzer from its holder; the rush of unbridled power he had felt coursing through his veins when he held it before he launched it...... the next thing he was aware of was dull pain through his body, followed by an Abbey guard pulling him out from under a pile of rubble and carrying him out of the ruins. After doing a quick check to make sure that he had not sustained any major injuries - miraculously, he had been saved by a huge slab falling on top of a toppled column just above him, creating a niche and protecting him from most of the falling pieces of the collapsing roof and the walls. The guard led him to the other boys who had been evacuated and given him an oversized coat before heading back to continue searching for more trapped children. Last thing he saw was one redhead boy watching him with teary eyes, mouthing,'I am Sorry,Kai!'.

His vision started to become black, he felt sounds very distant. Slowly, he drifted into darkness.


Silvery blue hair was tangled and stained with dry blood as a tall man of purple clad in dark, leathery clothes threw ice cold water onto a small and already frozen child around the age of 8. The child's crimson eyes sprang open in shock and he sat up against the stone walls shivering uncontrollably. He didn't knew where he was. He A twisted smile appeared on the face of the man stood triumphantly behind the boy. The boy knew what was coming.

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