Good Bye

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Beyblading tournament was going ahead. Next match was between:

"KAI VS MAX     &  

As I expected Kai won his battle and walked away giving Max a cold shoulder. This wasn't good at all because Kai has to be a part of the team. I reminded myself that they don't know anything about the team yet. Mr Dickinson introduced me with Ray earlier, he is a very polite and mature boy. Unlike Tyson who is still absent (being late) while the match is in next 10 minutes. Anyway he did come at the last minute. Match was pretty interesting though Ray aborted the last match makes Tyson win which pretty disappointed me. But the result of final was quite unbelievable. Tyson became champion defeating Kai.
I smiled as I was sitting with Ray and Max, who doesn't know my relationship with Kai but I surely wasn't happy at all. Mr. Dickenson then officially announced 'The Bladebreakers' the team representing BBA in next world championship. Though Kai refused at first but then he agreed.
Then Mr.Dickenson came to me offering the team manager job so that I can accompany them without being spotlight.
*** (At BBA Headquarter) ***

Mr. Dickenson: Don't be sad my child just because you can't be a part of the team.
Kaya: Who said that I am sad! My elder brother is the leader of 'Blade Breakers'. If I have any feeling right now that is pride.
Mr. Dickenson: That's surely impressive. But you can accompany them being their team manager.
Kaya: And stalk them every second bearing my brother's death glare? Save that offer for Kenny Uncle Stanley.
(Mr. Dickenson laughed at the remark)
Mr. Dickenson: That's a very good suggestion. I will surely give it a try. But how would you keep in touch with them?
Kaya: Don't worry about me uncle. I do have my own way. (She Smirked)
Mr. Dickenson: You better have because I am not one hundred percent sure about Kai. You should be prepared for substituting him at anytime.
Kaya: I will do anything and be anything to watch Voltaire's end uncle.
Mr.Dickinson: Good job my child! That's the spirit.

(Kaya's P.O.V)

That's how I ended up with Mr. Dickenson. Yeah! Let me clear!It has been a week after the tournament and the Bladebreakers has returned home being Asian Champions.
I am laying on my Training room floor not having any energy to get up and refresh myself as I was training for three hours at a stretch.Unlike just beyblading training I'm preparing myself for some actual fighting. After my all working since childhood, I surely can handle five to six adult people alone. In my childhood I was trained for every strategy for self protection but now I have learnt some actual attacking skills.
Right now I am still questioning myself if I should go to meet my brother or not.
Because my last meeting with Kai...


Kaya went to meet with Kai in the next morning as she never wanted that Kai to think that she was wanting to rub salt on his wound.
Kaya regretted very much about her little stunt that she pulled in he bladeshark's warehouse by challenging her brother. She knew that Kai would definitely take it for granted and found out whoever was behind that. She was even unable to meet his gaze because of her nervousness.
So, she found it best to confess the truth,as sooner or later Kai would certainly get it out and she has to face the consequences. She wanted to tell Kai everything she knew about her mom's murder and she thought that  would be the best way to keep her brother away from her grandfather. She sneaked inside the warehouse through the backside used as Blade Sharks' meeting place.

But after coming on the ground place, what she saw and heard was beyond her imagination. It was Voltaire at the front door talking with Kai. Voltaire said all Kai had to do was to give the bit power to him (Voltaire).My brother grudgingly replied that was fine and Voltaire stated that Failure Is Not An Option."Of course! Failure was never an option. I promise I won't fail in my mission also,"Kaya murmured. 
No sooner had Voltaire stepped out of the door,my stupid leg slipped making a very little crack sound. Though I released my brother Kai didn't hear me as he didn't turn towards me. He was watching grandfather going out of sight and then snapped at me,
"Is that all you have gotten,sister? Spying on me for God knows why!!" He is not even looking at me how he knows that it's me! Kaya figured out it was not a right time to open up about everything. Kaya said nervously,"I mean I wasn't spying I-I was just coming to say goodbye," "Then why are you hiding yourself?" Kai snapped at me. "Because there was someone else I mean gr-grandfather," She tried to answer. Just to earn one death glare. "Then what was that match all about,huh? There was none else," Kai smirked and asked very coldly. "Wh-whi-which match," Kaya, shivering under his gaze tried her best to pretend. Surely Kai's voice and anger is dangerous enough to make anyone shiver.
His eyes were fixed on her. There is no way she could deny about that match. But there is no way she would let herself be a weak and vulnerable little girl any longer.
"I just wanted to enjoy a Beyblade with you. Does that made you so mad at me!!" Kaya shouted.
"Don't you dare take that tone with me Miss. Hiwatari. You could have easily asked for a match. There is something else going on your head and what's that?" Kai Shouted louder than Kaya. But this Kaya wasn't the usual one easily getting intimidated by her brother's tone and glares. She took a deep breath. Then smirked and said calmly, "Like you're gonna say what was all about 'give me bit power thing' grandpa told you?"
"None of your business." Kai said completely shocked now,'just how much she have heard!' holding his breath trying hard to figure out this new version of little sister. This was the girl didn't even ask turning back after he slapped her, what happened during this short time that she has changed so drastically!
"Yeah! So I guess my intentions are also none of your business anymore!" She said meeting his gaze.
"Hnn" Kai sounded.
"Good luck!" Kaya said turning back,while walking out of the warehouse.

(Back to reality)

Kaya finally decided to go she really doesn't want to lose her brother after all this time. Deep inside she wanted to believe that Kai was not bad, it's just his stupid evil grandfather. She sighed and got up. After she searched for him in the warehouse but Kai was nowhere to be seen.Then she decided to go to Hiwatari mansion,
she highly regretted that and wished she haven't come.

Kaya climbed the mansion gate and landed inside to her surprise there was not any sign of caretakers or garden workers . It has been years she left the house after that horrible day. Never again she returned here, not to mention her guardians especially Grandma would never allow that. As she made her way through the way she realized there was actually no garden, but there are some signs as once there was one. though most of the trees were trampled. Her mother's favorite Rose garden was history now. Though she didn't expect that things would be same after so many years but this lawn is looking like a complete mass. She can remember how she and her brother used to play here together. Those memories were all blur now she took a deep breath and started for the front door. As she neared for the house she noticed front door was slightly ajar. The inside of the house which was probably their large hallway followed by the royal staircase which lead to the bedrooms of the second floor, was completely dark. She walked and stopped right before the staircase. As her eyes got adjusted to the darkness, she didn't bother search for light. She started to think that Kai maybe doesn't live in this huge mansion all alone and live somewhere else. But suddenly she heard some heavy footsteps coming closer the front door, she hold her breath and was almost frozen with terror and fear. 


Failure Is Not An Option (KAI HIWATARI)Where stories live. Discover now