Guest from Scotland

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Eyes opened. Ache in different parts of body made it difficult to sleep. Might as well get this over with.

Kaya got up from bed, wore dress. She is desperately trying to clear her mind but no avail. Thousands of thoughts and question made it impossible and now she knew what she needed to do.

She strode up the hill, passing houses that slowly increased in grandeur the further from the suburbs and closer to the rural area he got. She'd woken two hours before her usual time for the occasion. Thankfully, he was well practised in sneaking around since she had been doing it ever since she met her brother and it helped to avoid crowds otherwise he would have had to face tonnes of questions from house maids not used to waking before sun rise.

And finally it came to view. What she needed to see so badly.......

'Here lies
Misaki Takahashi Hiwatari.
Taken away from us
October 23rd, 1999.
A loving daughter and mother. '
You are forever in
Our Memories and Heart

It was a gray and foggy day; Kaya was visiting the grave of her mother this day... ..alone. She cleared her stone that was covered in vines from over the long years.

"It's been 11 years mom." She whispered, she watched her breathe as it rose into the cold air of the early morning. "11 years and still no sign of dad!" The gravestone and the cemetery stayed silent. Kaya sighed and stood up wincing in pain as her knees were still healing.
"I will get Kai back mom. I won't give up."She didn't know how long she was standing there until her legs started to ache.
She walked away leaving imprints of his shoes in the damp grass. Unknown to her, her Blue beyblade gleaming inside her pocket.

She walked home, a full mile and a half. While walking a sharp pain on her knees again reminded her the events of last night.  A loud sigh escaped her mouth.



Kaya walked out of the mansion barely managed herself not to stumble or fall on the road as her vision was blurry. She ignored the concerned looks of  the red head boy and the others, she really didn't had time for their crap!

She somehow returned home without fainting on her way. It was raining cats and dogs. But the time she reached there she was completely soaked. She finally got the courage to

Knock.. knock

Door open instantly and all hell break down. Liana looked at Kaya. First a little angry about coming home at this time. But as her eyes took a proper look at Kaya she almost froze in her place. That beautiful baby face was puffy with a cut mark on the lip side and blood in the nose. Eyes bloodshot, face mild. Also cuts on both of her knee, clothes dusty and wet hair. She looked utterly exhausted!

"W-w-what happened to you?"Liana somehow said.
"Come, sit here!" She sat Kaya on sofa not caring about the mud that made spots on to the crystal clear floor. She handed Kaya a towel as she rushed to call a doctor.
Kaya knew if this things goes to any further, both Kai and Liana would be in much more trouble with Kaya's grandma. Although that surely was the last of Liana's concern, Kaya sighed and stopped Liana. Eyes pleading her not to do anything that Kaya doesn't want,"please!"  That one word, those eyes, somehow made their way to Liana's heart.

"Fine, but who did that to you?" Liana asked,now somehow calmed down, still giving her a look of sorrow and guilt. Kaya looking at her muddy shoes ashamed, looking like a lost puppy.

Failure Is Not An Option (KAI HIWATARI)Where stories live. Discover now