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"Let it rip"
"Go shoot"

And there it goes. Kaya's blue beyblade was shoving Johnny's red one around the dish but not successfully knocking it out. While Johnny kept pushing it of. "You got tricks but you can't win by this." Johnny smirked.
"Go Salamalyn!"
"Go Dylan!"
Kaya's beyblade crushed straight into red one slightly decreasing it's spinning slightly but it still stayed in the game. Both crushing with with each other forcefully. Kaya decided to take next step,
"Dylaan! Let's do it." And her beyblade went up in the air taking perfect position, revealing one majestic sky blue phoenix as it roaring,"Water Splash!" And there was gathering of water ready to break down straight to Johnny's.
Johnny's eyes narrowed in concentration not happy about the sight before him but not ready to give up.
"Wanna play it rough? Get ready, Salamalyn! Attack."
And that was it. Golden light began to spread from Johnny's beyblade and occupied entire dish making circles before Kaya knew it, one golden lizard went straight for her phoenix before Kaya's beyblade could land. Both beyblade crushed into one another emitting huge amount of smoke blocking there vision.
Kaya's eyes widen watching Dylan lying on the ground. At the thought of her loss. She would never be able to know about Kai then then.


This was until,
"So..This is a draw then," a disappointed voice came as
Kaya looked over at Johnny who was busy glaring at his beyblade on floor. Kaya's heart lept. She still did have a chance.

"Alright, squirt!", Johnny said," do you really want to know?"
Kay smiled though sometimes a jerk well most of the time, Johnny Still can be just good when he wanted. She nodded in affirmative way. Johnny sighed,

"After your mother's death grandma and my parents tried a lot to get a hold of your brother." Kaya interrupted, "Well, They never succeed."
"My mom did" at This time Kaya's eyes turned 'what the hell'
If aunt had gotten a hold of Kai then why she didn't do anything. Why left Kai with that maniac pathetic excuse of a grandfather.

As if reading my thoughts, "And before you interpret, she found him in a hospital five years ago while she was a doctor of Russian's Children Hospital at Moscow . He was badly beaten up with slight amnesia symptoms. Didn't recall most of his life. Mom tried her best to get him talk but he refused. Mother contacted various child service authority to help Kai. But the last I know was mom screaming her head off at the hospital staffs that how Kai was let go with his grandfather!"
"What do you mean Kai was admitted in there for so long and they just let him go without informing anyone?" Kaya asked. "Apparently, Voltaire had Kai's legal custody. And Kai himself confirmed that. That brat simply didn't even acknowledge us. Maybe we were not worthy enough for him" Truth is he simply never liked Kai's attitude. At that time Johnny tried to befriend with him. But Kai was silent all the time. Yep he is a cousin, there have blood relation but Kai is just too much.

"So that was why you hate him?" Kaya asked. "What the hell more I am supposed to do? Cry over an idiot who took after his grandfather probably because he had much money or what??" "You don't even know that's true." Kaya doesn't believe that her brother would do this for money."I don't care either way. I watched my mom cried over that Kai. Regretting how she was unable to help Liana's son and all. But that brat simply is not worth this all.What is so special about him anyway?"

Kaya was simply out of word she really didn't know what to think. Whenever she thought about aunt she felt mad at Kai. But the thought of little Kai beaten so mercilessly that he was in hospital make her shiver. He was only eight back then. She finally looked away,"You can't even began to imagine," with that she walked out despite Johnny's loud protests.

Failure Is Not An Option (KAI HIWATARI)Where stories live. Discover now