The Blade Sharks

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(P.O.V of Kaya)

Tyson was training with his new Beyblade and suddenly three beyblades come from nowhere to attack Tyson. Well if they think they can do anything they want just because they outnumber us then they are wrong. Before their beyblade could attack Tyson's Beyblade I launched my beyblade. An with my one attack, all their beyblades were in their hands in the blink of an eye.I don't even need to call my bitbeast.

I thought that the leader of Blade Sharks is a good beyblader but 'No'.He showed his class. Sending three of his gang boys to attack one boy, if this is all he has gotten he has a long way to go.
I ran after them as they were fleeing but reached to a big storehouse and to my surprise they were not alone. I shouted that their leader is a coward,I didn't see the leader but maybe the one standing in the dark. That boy didn't even look at me but another boy smirked and said,"How good you are! You yourself come here" Before I can say anything, I feel something hard hit my head and everything turned black.

(P.O.V of Kai)

'Such a stupid girl!Her first dialogue erase the slightest hesitancy I had for  kidnapping her as she was a girl' .
Well sometimes these boys pleases me like now how without wasting my time in talking trash with that girl, they hit the girl and she fainted.
As they took her away the black haired kid come again. I knew that this boy won't leave me alone until I waste his beyblade again. So instead of replying his valueless talks,I walked towards the dish.

3..2..1.. LET IT RIP!

As I was making my moves, I noticed something special in the boy's Beyblade. It's not like the boy is doing something, it's just all about his beyblade. Suddenly a Blue Dragon came out of his beyblade and all the viewers be struck with wonder except me of course. I knew there was something wrong with his blade.So now, It's show time.
"Go..Dranzer!" I called my phoenix. That boy's attitude is assuring that he has no control over his dragon. I just can't waste my time in vain by giving him this lesson that what it takes to control your bit beast. It will be even better if he thinks he is the best and so I deliberately just give him a small attack using little force and both our beyblade came to our hand.
That kid again started talking God knows what. But I just tell him the basics of bitbeast and walked away as I have some more important things to do.
But suddenly he asked for his friend and tried to follow me. I smirked..
What a fool! Challenging a lion in his own jungle! My gang boys will easily handle him.

(P.O.V of Kaya)

I opened my eyes at least I was trying to.I recalled what had happened.I followed 'Blade Sharks' boys came to a store house type ground floor. "Aaah!"I sounded as my head was hurting. Then I understand my actual situation as I was tied with rope completely. Also, I am feeling one cut on my face like somebody slapped me.
"Boss! She is awake," said one boy. "You know what to do!"A very cold voice said from upstairs I guess, somehow that voice was very common I tried to remember the voice.But someone pulled up my face and hit me asked, "Tell me what you know about legendary beyblades," How funny like I would tell them even if I knew. But he tightened my rope and that was being suffocating. Suddenly the boys started yelling to each other as I was not saying anything. The cold voice growled again, "You idiots can't get a single answer from a girl."

Now I totally recognized the voice, that is  belongs to none other than my elder brother. I have had enough of his stupidity, it is time to be strong. I can't be weak any longer after what I figured out now, I untied myself as I was trained for such situations since my childhood and knew Marshal art very well. One boy come closer to slap me. I immediately catch his hand and before he can understand he was flat on floor. The other two boys come I punched one and kicked the other making sure they fall on the ground. Our sounds surely got up to my brother as he jumped from the up and landed before me. But when he raised his head to see who is the girl, I bet he was not expecting me as he was completely surprised. Then I smirked,"How your these little puppies are supposed to torture me,moy brat(my brother in Russian)?" in a very confident voice. But as I let my guard down one of the boy got up and hit on my leg with a kind of rod I guess cause it hurts like hell and I fall on my knees.
The next thing I watched my brother hitting the boys and give them all such a murderous glare that they almost ran away.

(P.O.V of Kai)

I still can't believe how worthless I am! After my return the only thing I did was to give my sister pain. I slapped her for almost no reason. And now my gang members tortured her in front of me so mercilessly and I let them do it. I would be really happy if she would have hit me also along with those boys. I really can't forgive myself. I started punching the wall again and again it starts bleeding and she suddenly spoke up,"Breaking your hands won't fix my leg brother. If you please excuse yourself, I need you." Raising her one hand with a weak smile. I didn't realize if there was really tears on my eyes that I haven't shedded for years!!

(P.O.V of Kaya)

'My brother!!I don't know what it was that make him such a stone.I can sense his pain as he was watching my bitten face. Then he started hitting on the wall so hard I was afraid of the sound at first. Then I understand he was punishing himself, it was bleeding but still he wasn't stopping.As I tried to stand to stop him but I realized my leg is badly fractured. So I asked him for help with such a cute face I know he can't deny.
He came to me and lifted me on his arms and walked towards our home. I can say that it's our home as we lived there with mom dad but after mom's death I was living in Takahashi Mansion with my grandma. He very carefully laid me on the bed. Then started to search something, as he was avoiding my eyes that makes me more sad why in the world he is behaving like this with me. The torture that I faced was very much bearable than his silent treatment. I don't want first aid or anything if I really wanted something that is my brother who is lost somewhere in this emotionless boy. I was looking around the room and suddenly found a picture on the bedside table. I took that on my hand and cleaned the dust from it.

This was a picture of me and my brother when we were very little

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This was a picture of me and my brother when we were very little. I started weeping, 'where are you brother!' Kai looked at me at my weeping sound. His face was full of pain and guilt,may be he thought I was crying for leg's pain. He sit closer to me to put medicine on the cut of my face. I noticed his shaking hand  that was also hurt, full of blood, I caught his hand preventing him from applying medicine. He looked at me  astonished. "Do you know this two kids on this picture?" I asked him pointing to out childhood photo. He stared at me."This was m-my brother I was holding,"I managed to choke as I was sobbing."You need medicine and treatment,"he said looking at the ground. "No! I need my brother back"I said out loud,"Please?"I pleaded,"What have I done to let you do this brother!" I could not bear this in me anymore.

(P.O.V of Kai Hiwatari)

Watching my beloved sister crying like this was quite impossible for me. I  pull her in for a hug, she was shaking uncontrollably, I tried my best to give her the protection she needed. As I was consoling her I remembered the most precious thing I learned in Balkov Abbey. I can't let my sister be my weakness no matter what. Boris's face come into my mind and I suddenly broke my hug pushing her aback with little force.
I L-l-love you B-brother.."she said crying. I can't.I can't love how to make this stupid girl understand this. "DON'T," I Shouted running out of the room and slammed the door behind me.

Failure Is Not An Option (KAI HIWATARI)Where stories live. Discover now