Black Cloak

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Kaya quickly made her way through the darkness to hide behind something that happened to be one of the pillars. Just as she managed to hide herself properly, the door slammed open. Four teenage boys of Kai's age or little older along with an old man stepped inside.

Boys just walked across the hallway and one went to the switch board and other boys went to other side where was probably a dinning table. The style of their walking was proving that they have been here before. Kaya quickly moved from the pillar and hid in the cupboard under the staircase, from where she could easily watch them through the holes of it. At the same time someone switched on the light and the entire room was illuminated by the decorative high-voltage lights. As her eyes stared to get adjusted with the sudden change, she noticed the boys exactly and recognized the old man in one second. Those boys were well-trained that's for sure, none made a single sound and made their way to our royal dinning table and silently suited themselves. The old man gestured at one red haired teen who went to the upstairs wordlessly. For some odd reason, that boy is reminding her strongly someone, whom she can barely remember now though. One boy is quite small but the other two are tall and their well-built body is giving proper evidence of their combat training. Their faces are completely expressionless except for one lavender haired wrestler type boy, who is looking like ready to kill someone. Their silence is clearly showing that they are waiting for someone,as if getting the answer of her thoughts, she realized some new footsteps over her head means someone is waking upper floor. That made her understand that the previous teen went for someone who was living in second floor, which means that is probably her brother.
She boringly looked at the staffs that was in the cupboard specially one black cloak caught her eyes with the attached black hoodie. It was so amazing that she wore it then and there. Finally, the source of sound was coming in view..

(In the upstairs)

Kai was training in his training room with full concentration when he heard the main door slammed open. He didn't even bother to looked outside of room as he knew very well who it could be 'Oh yeah! The last thing I wanted was an another visit from from that bloody old man.' As to answering his thoughts, a certain Red headed entered training room, spoke up, "Voltaire wanted to see his grandson." Though the information was given in a very formal way, Kai knew better to catch the sarcasm of the word grandson.

"Like you don't want Redie!"Kai smirked. "You know me a way too much Blueberry!" Tala smirked too. For Kai this meeting is quite a surprise! Though he was expecting someone to accompany Voltaire, His former Russian teammates were surely beyond his expectation. As both of them made their way to the downstairs dinning Kai once again was lost in his thoughts.

The relationship he hold these boys specially Tala can't be imagined by anyone who doesn't know them. Though they're known as lone wolf or very cold hearted by the rest of the world, they were very close to each other. For someone who think Tala is a serious person, Kai can give them an actual fit sometimes by telling them what an obnoxious joker Tala was. Not only Kai & Tala, actually the whole team share history together, they shared from tears to foods, punishments to blames. Though Kai would never admit it out loud, actually the closeness of them gave him the only reason to stay alive on those dark-nights of Russia in Abbey. He was actually happy by getting them here now,this would give him an actual good break from the completely immature idiot's so called team known as 'Bladebreakers'.
Speaking of teammates, what the hell was those idiots doing all day, fixing one an amateur's beyblade and teaching him. When they, themselves, can't beyblade properly,they are winning almost every match by their dumb luck.
  'Complete Show-off'- he would like to name their whole activity of entire day. Yes, he knew very well what they were doing just decided not to show up to them. Specially without Ray around, whom he would like to dignify as the only sane guy of the team, those stupids would have annoyed the hell out of him till now. Why the hell he even care anyway! As long as he can train himself, without those idiots' interference, or Tyson's whining about how hungry he was and they needed a break after every 20 mins, he couldn't care less about those little brats. He is going to take away their bitbeast one day after all. This last thought make him sigh, he was not completely willing to do that but since when human could do everything according to their sweet-will.

(Dinning room)

Kaya still under staircase, as finally the footsteps come in view disturbing the intolerable silence of the room. Kai is now on the other side of the large dinning table across Voltaire, back facing Kaya she was in the cupboard. Kaya was watching the boys specially Tala, as she finally recognized him,who were completely unaware of her presence.

They finally reached at the dinning table, Kai is now facing the man who is happened to be his grandfather much to his displeasure. "Sit,'' Voltaire ordered. Both Kai and Tala sat down. Voltaire told Kai to collect information about every beyblade with bitbeast and make sure that his team make it to the Russian tournament. He also told Tala to spend their night here to gather information about Kai's team as he had some special works to do and he is leaving for Russia now. They will leave for Russia tomorrow night when Kai for American Tournament. Both boys only replied by either 'Yes,Sir!' or 'yes grandfather' for the whole time making Kaya cringe. After all talking, he stood up rest of the boys following and exited the door. Leaving Kay,a alone once again in the dark hall, she finally released her breath, didn't even knew she was holding.

Kaya tried to put the information together, only get even more confused. What is the problem with Kai. Is he really loyal to 'The Bladebreakers'. She can't pit her finger on it, But something was definitely wrong about her brother. She just hoped that, team would prove at least some of the horrible doing of Voltaire, so that the can put him behind the bars. Her thoughts interrupted by the a crack of thunder rang loudly above. It would start to rain soon.
'ohh! Just Great!! Now storm!! The last thing she want is to get stuck into Hiwatari Mansion with her brother and those boys. She decided to hurry up to get out but much to her displeasure Demolition Boys decided to enter at the same time. She quickly ducked from their way hide in the kitchen, but was not quick enough probably as the littlest member whined I saw that again. There was someone believe me! Kaya could not find out any hiding place went in an empty container. 

(The Demolition Boys)
(Tala, Bryan,Ian & Spancer)
(In the garden)

Ian ,being the shortest and youngest member of the demolition boys, always get support or help from his teammates, that made him somehow more feared in various things than rest of the team. He wasn't tough like them but quite talented and clever. He could have sworn that he saw someone while entering the mansion. But while they were sitting in dinning table he saw a dark shadow type something moved under staircase. Sounds very funny!!

After Voltaire left, they got a free time. Tala and Kai were talking. So Ian told it to Spancer, who was always a great comforter for everyone back in the abbey. Spacer told that maybe he needed sleep, it can probably be just hallucination , Ian also kind of believe him. Bryan somehow manage to overhear them, and decided to scare the hell out of Ian . He somehow get a black cloth and tied it with a branch of a tree. And managed to bind the other part of it with Ian's hand without him realizing that. A thunder sounded at the same moment slightly scaring the little one and wind started to blow.

Spancer headed for mansion, Ian decided to follow but found himself caught by someone. Worse! Ian saw a black something blowing right beside him and started shivering out of fear somehow manged to scream,
"G_G_G-GHSOSSST! S-s-save meeeeeeeeeee.........
Help me!! It caught me!!!"
started to ran only to find himself stuck by his hand. Finally acknowledged, his tied hand and looked behind only to see a blowing cloth and hear a hysterical laughing of Bryan.
Kai and Tala watch the entire scene from their place and found themselves laughing maniacally. Tala was laying on the grass, his eyes watering from laughing so hard. Ian became completely red and glared at three of them.
Soon Bryan and a very pouting Ian started for the mansion, with Tala and Kai closely following behind. No sooner had they entered the mansion, Ian once again stated, pointing forward..

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