The Demolition Boys

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Ian's whining went unnoticed as the others laughed it off. Spancer also saw something but decided to keep silent. Laughing Bryan, threw a punch in the air at least tried, but that punch launched square on the expensive flower vase, beside the door shattering it into pieces. Making Kai fuming with rage and sheepishly smiling Bryan.

Kai scolded,"Arghhh. Don't break my things idiot! Last time you visited my other house,you destroyed half of the furnitures."
With that Kai went to his room. He could not wait long, as waited he heard some more with a loud crash.Then he heard yet another crash and another.That's it.

"What happened this time?" He shouted looking down from second floor.

'Amazing! And I was thinking Bladebreakers are crazy!' Kai stormed to the hall only to find out vases and plates shattered in the floor. And a very fuming red-sauce covered Bryan, chasing the red head all over room throwing knives and random objects. Apparently Tala had done it to Bryan and now facing his wrath, That's right but what was not right is they have shattered tons of things in the process.

Kai watched Tala nimbly jumped over the back and hightailed it out of the room, a raging falcon hot on his heels and promising very painful retribution. Soon enough the thundering sound of rapid feet running up the stairs was followed by several doors slamming.

Alone in the living room, Kai sighed, mentally counting down the inevitable.


Sure enough, Tala's pained yelp echoed throughout the house right on cue.

Kai shouted loud enough for them,feeling sorry for his best friend,"You two have done enough damage to the place," Kai said, looking around at the devastation for the second time,"Just drop it already."

(Living room)

Bryan finally decided read head had had enough,then come to downstairs ,went to the kitchen straight. Kai raised an eye brow to Tala silently questioning 'Where-is-he'
"He's raiding the fridge,"the redhead informed when he saw the look on his friend's face.

"Oi, Hiwatari, where's the beer?" Bryan shouted from within the kitchen.

"Not everyone want to destroy their life."

"What the hell do you drink in this place?"

"Water. Ever heard of it?"

"No wonder you're always such an ass."

Glaring at Tala, who was snickering behind his hand, Kai didn't reply. Hopefully, their friend would settle for emptying out half the fridge. Tala once calculated that Bryan could eat up to one-fifth of his body weight. Where it all went was anyone's guess since the guy never gained any weight though he was pretty tall, beaten only by Spencer by two inches.

"Now, get your ass over hear Bryan and How are you going to get that down?" Spancer asked pointing up. Everyone looked up at him.Sure enough a blade of one knife was sticking out of the roof, that is most certainly Bryan's doing.

Bryan pointed at Kai, who smirked,
"Am I not the shortest guy on this team?" he wondered out loud, looking at Tala.

"Get real blueberry. We're both the same height,"Tala scoffed giving up, "And what about Ian?"

"Dwarves don't count."came Kai's replied.

"HEI! I AM NOT DWARF!" came a shout from nowhere.

"Yeah sorry, Midget was your na.."
Tala's sentence cut off as Ian threw a sliced carrot at his head from behind.

Another piece hit Tala's head. Another Another...
He looked back to see carrots lying on the floor.

Failure Is Not An Option (KAI HIWATARI)Where stories live. Discover now