Is This The End

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"I guess he did all this!" Kaya asked completely ignoring Kai's previous statement. "I told you he didn't do anything!" Kai replied venomously.

"Really!Then how did you get all those bruises?" Kaya asked.
Kai felt a lump grow in his throat at that question and his whole body stiffened. Kaya stood directly in front of him, her eyes locked onto his form determined not to miss a single reaction the betrayed Kai's usual emotionless face. Annoyance grew in Kai's body, not completely at Kaya, but also at himself. Why didn't he just threw her away when he first caught her? Why didn't he walk away sooner? Why did he let his feeling come out!

"I fell."

Kai could honestly admit that was probably the lamest thing that had ever left his mouth. Kaya would never fall for that terrible excuse. As predicted, Kaya frowned heavily.

"Seriously?" Kaya drawled, his eyebrow raised sceptically. "Do you think I'm that stupid -"


"Shut up, Kai!" She snapped as she took a daring step closer, and he did not miss the way Kai tensed up as the gap between them shrank. Kaya felt her anger rising but she forced her voice to retain the calmness it held before even if it did now sound fake. "He did it,didn't he? Voltaire, I mean."

Kai sharply turned his back Kaya, so he was now once again facing the walls. "I thought you'd leave being are caught?"
"I might have left if you had told me the truth." Kaya said

"I am telling the truth," Kai insisted. "I fell."

"Damn it, Kai!" Kaya yelled over the furious teen,"You're playing this stupid game again and I can't understand why! Have you looked in the mirror Kai? Have you actually seen the full extent of what he has done!"

"I'm not having this conversation again, Kaya!" Kai concluded and he pushed himself away from her ready to leave.

"Okay, Kai. If this is the way you want to play, then so be it."

Kai couldn't help but freeze at those words. Slowly, he turned around to face her. He'd never heard her speak in such a tone of voice: suppressed rage and laced with threats.

"If you don't do anything about this… if you're just going to sit by and let him treat you like… like a dog!" Kaya's growling voice was only just audible. "Then I'm going to the police. I'm going to tell them everything! And they'll discover the truth y'know! I'm sure some of your blood can still be gathered as evidence from the cellar - OH, and speaking of the cellar! Voltaire will have a great time explaining all those knives and whips won't he! I wonder what's in the other rooms? Medieval torture devices? A Hitler shrine? Or, maybe - !"

Kaya could only choke out an incomprehensible sound as Kai's hand shot out with perfect accuracy and seized her throat; his fingers squeezing hard enough to bruise.

"Shut. Your. Face." Kai snarled dragging her closer to they were at eye level. She pried helplessly at the fingers which enclosed his throat. " Speak one more word of Grandfather and I will kill you."

To add warning and finality to his words, Kai squeezed her throat as hard as he could, successfully cutting off her air supply. Her eyes widened in panic as she realized Kai was deadly serious. She'd become very used to see anger flare up in those crimson eyes, but this time… there was more. Something else which could probably be taken as murderous intent. She had seen her brother before dealing with innocent kids mercilessly as a gang leader.
She felt his terror intensify and she squirmed insanely, trying to lean back so Kai's arm would be stretched and hopefully weaker. However, Kai anticipated the movement and tensed his arm so it locked; his eyes never once strayed from her face which was beginning to glow red with the build up of pressure.

Failure Is Not An Option (KAI HIWATARI)Where stories live. Discover now