Unknown Past!

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(Dairy's Last Page)
(Written by Misaki)

Dear Dairy,
Today was like some other days of my life. I made breakfast. My son and daughter were playing together but suddenly Susumu came home untimely. He told me about his father's illness and made arrangements for his Russia flight. Everything was fine until Susumu whispered in my ears not to look for him in Russia if he doesn't return. I flinched for a moment but he didn't even meet my gaze but I can sense the fear and anxiety of his voice.
What does he mean by that!! He is going with my Kai! Why I am having a very bad feeling about all this.
Infact, I have never opened up with Susumu about the friction between me and Voltaire. I didn't wanted to insult him by doing so after all he is my father-in-law. How can I tell Susuma what his father did to me years ago.
I was then a worker in Hiwatari Enterprise as an intern. It was my part time job when I was in Russia for studies. That was the first time I meet with Susuma and our relationship began. Susumu was quite famous in the office and our relationship wasn't hidden at all. I didn't mind the matter until Voltaire figured it out and offered me a blank check to leave his son. I became completely outrageous and I really regret my behavior. But still offering your son's girlfriend money to leave him, is an ultimate insult you can ever do. Even Voltaire never stopped doing that,he kept threatening me over and over again but my reply was always same. 'I don't fear anyone!' His those doings was only taking his own son away from him and Susumu ended up leaving Russia and his dad.
I called Stanley who is very much like my elder brother to inform about the matter. But he didn't even give it a second thought. He suggested me not to worry and Susumu might joke with me. I told him all I knew about Voltaire and his illegal businesses activities. Stanley told me that I am being unreasonable as being a little dishonest in business doesn't mean one can hurt his own son and grandson. All Voltaire have done to me was for the good of Susumu. At least Voltaire wanted that for his son's own good, so there is no way he would hurt them after so many years.
I also agreed with him but when I told about one very confidetial plan of Voltaire including beyblade and bitbeast,that made him concerned. I informed him that Voltaire wanted to take strong bitbeasts to take a control over world and Susumu loves beyblading,so he hates his dad's this plans. This was one of the biggest reason of Father-son's friction.Stanley took my point seriously but then again we can not do anything about that kind of powerful criminal. But Stanley's advices satisfied me and I cut the call.
But still something is poking me.I have noticed some black dressed middle aged man roaming around I have heard some footsteps around my house for three times now. Every time I went outside to find out there was nothing special. Today I gave my phoenix necklace to my Kaya. I don't know why today I found it very important today as if I won't get time latter.
One of the best relief I got I left Kaya with Liana to my mother's house while returning home from airport. She is ....

A drop of tears fall from Kaya's eyes as the line didn't end. Some dried drop of red blood is the proof of  What happened next... None have ever told her about this incident. All of her training of self protection Marshal art was about her personal safety. But none have ever tried to give justice to her mother. They all tried to forget this matter as a nightmare. It is sure that Voltaire is behind the matter and how smartly he brainwashed her own brother that he hated his own father for all those years.
Kaya wiped her tears and scolded herself as she can't be weak.It's time for her to grow up. I promise you mom I will finish your unfinished work. I will make sure Voltaire gets what he deserves. She promised herself.

(There was a dramatical difference between the girl who entered the reading room after her brother and the girl leaving the room with confidence and determination in eyes)

(Mr. Dickenson's office)
(On the tournament day)

"May I come in?" Kaya asked.
There was someone else middle aged man in the room. I recognized him as he was the owner of local beyblade shop Mr.Tate.
Kaya went in as Mr.Dickenson nodded in affirmative way. Mr.Dickenson introduced me,"She is Kaya Takahashi and Kaya this is Mr.Tate. We are talking about the upcoming tournament." Mr.tate smiled at me and I give him back.
"My child, if you are wanting to join the beyblading tournament than I am really sorry because I have strict word from Mrs.Takahashi that her granddaughter won't enter." Mr.Dickenson said lowering his head.The guilt in his eyes were still visible.Kaya totally understand the fact that why they always wanted to keep her away from beyblading world. The more she will get into it the more she will risk her life.But she was very calm now.
She smiled and said,"I know what happened 10years ago uncle Stanley and trust me I don't blame you for that.But can you forgive yourself if she doesn't get justice!" Kaya said with her confidence and looked at his eyes.He sighed.
Mr.Tate glared at Kaya."I think we have a new member,"He smilingly said which made Kaya a bit confused. Mr.Dickenson take her to an another room which definitely was not beyblading room but very much like a meeting room along with some video phones. As we entered the room one of the phones rang and Mr.Dickenson caught up. One another middle aged man spoke up,"I didn't keep you waiting,did I?" That person gave me very much Tyson types vibes and I got confirmation as Mr Dickinson replied,"No, Mr.Granger!It was just in time." "I guess,we have a little girl included here" he frowned at me. "Yeah! Yeah! She is someone very special." Mr.Dickenson said and one another call come the call was received,a blonde woman come in front and suddenly the Tv turned on showing beyblading tournament.

I watched how my brother threw and destroyed away all other beyblades around his blade along with Kenny's. A smirk of proud came across my face. The next group's Winner was one Blonde kid, he is not from this place for sure followed by another new  Winner boy named Ray I paid attention to the AJ topper to catch his name. By the face I can bet that Mr. And Mrs.Tate are that blonde kid's parents. noticed. Mr.Dickenson smiled. Next Match was Tyson's which he won with much difficulties as the blade shark's boys attacked him together. I didn't miss the anger face of my brother after Tyson's win. "As we expected!"Said the blonde woman.

"What is going on here?The tournament's first round is almost over.Then why I am here!"Kaya told as she looked at Mr.Dickenson.
"You will know very soon,"Someone said.

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