Rose From The Ashes

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Kai's P.O.V

'No Pain, No Gain'
I told my mind the very same line once more to strengthen myself to push myself up. It has been years since Kai started training as a style of distraction for his messed up mind. Today he was training with his teammates. It really amused him how that loudmouth Tyson have managed to hold until now. One training season led by Kai is never an easy one. It did take tricks to get the said teen though. After losing an amateur kid, Tyson himself asked Kai to train the team. However Tyson didn't know where he have put himself. The smirk came at Kai's face followed by Tyson's loud gulp. Tyson was supposed to run here by now, but where is he..


Tyson was panting heavily. He stopped jogging and leaned on a tree for support. He was covered with sweat and his feet were tired of all the exercise.

"Tyson! Stop cutting corners and get back here!" Kai shouted finally getting view of the dragon master. Ray and Max were now about twenty meters ahead of Tyson.

"I'm... coming." Tyson panted "just.... Give-me... a-mi....a-minute-guys."

They were in training camp or "total dump" as Tyson had called it. Mr. Dickinson had arranged a two-day training camp for the Bladebreakers in the forests of America. They had just reached America the day before and had the opportunity to visit the BBA research facility where Max found out that his mom was the coach of their rival team- the PPB All Stars. Eddie, a member had defeated Ray in a beyblade match pretty bad and now Drigger's blade was being reconfigured by Kenny who sat inside the cabin in a shady room surrounded by a box full of spare parts. The bladebreakers were in for a surprise because when they thought of training camp, they thought of fancy equipment and shiny beystadiums. But Mr. Dickenson had only left instructions to an isolated cabin by a lake "in middle of nowhere" as Kai had put it. They had an axe as equipment for cutting wood and tree stumps as beydishes with no connection to the outside world whatsoever. Grandpa was now cooking lunch for them (he had claimed that cooking a meal in these conditions for five hungry kids including Tyson would require at least a three hour head-start) and Kai had decided that they should start training. Well Tyson himself has asked Kai earlier that day but hei did he knew Kai would be this strict!!


And the winner is
Max announced with clear disbelief. Kenny and Ray no different.

"That's great! But I would have never done it without Kai's training,"
All of them get a second shock in the day but none was as big as Tyson's though. He asked, "Mind explaining yourself Mr. Sourpuss. One minute you are loner with 'leave me alone' and another minute you are not." He ended mocking Kai in the quote successfully getting on said boy's nerves.

Kai replied,"Your little shoes only fit in your complete lack of maturity Tyson. What I choose to do is my businesses why don't you just butt out?"

Tyson replied,"urggh! You drive me nuts! If you're so good as a trainer why don't you just train us. You're the team leader,you know?" Tyson threw at the hit of the moment not knowing where he stepped.

Kai lip curled getting a smirk, "hnn" eyes showed mysterious gleams.
Tyson somehow got the message what he had gotten himself into and visibly paled but also knew that it was too late to step back, so gave up. "Fine,when we start training?" Tyson asked.

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