Beyond Ocean

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Start of a pretty amazing day after the American Tournament in which once again Bladebreakers' has come out as Winner by pure fluke. Well Kai would call it nothing but a pure fluke. It doesn't bother Kai anymore. Next Time he would met these weaklings in tournament that would be in Russia's world championship. He would no longer remain a Bladebreaker then. Does it make him feel guilty!

What! Never! Still Kai can't deny the hit of stone in his chest at the thought. He was currently training in the Ship cargo, after ordering the others do their ones, which he was sure as hell Tyson was not doing, heck! that nevy haired teen tried to skip training even when he was watching like a hawk. He would let Tyson off today, they were heading towards Russia now. Why Mr. Dickenson booked them ship tickets instead of plane, he had no idea. But knowing that chubby old man, there must be some reason for this. Although he can say he care the least.

He made his way to the beydishes of the ship. But anything he was expecting to see wasn't a mass of beyblades. Sure he would not put his money on Tyson not playing here with kids. But Tyson could never cause such a fuss in a beyblade playdish. He roamed his eyes only to notice one more game going on, screaming the same outcome. One kid shouting something to his beyblade, while one taller boy with purple hair just standing there with an annoyed look. It's a matter of time, his beyblade throw out the opponent of the dish shattered. No sooner had the match ended one another kid come up to change, god knows when these kids would learn not to push everything. Nevermind he can just watch and figure this guy some more. Another beyblade was thrown out broken leaving the kid in tears, one more kid went up. Never learn! Why don't they just give it up? They are all reminding him that stupid Tyson.

Speaking of Satan, here goes his peace, "What do you think you are doing?" Kai can recognize this loud annoying voice in anywhere. Tyson came running in while looking around, beyblades shattered into pieces and that was until his eyes caught Robert.

"We asked that guy to play, it would not take so much strength to beat us. He broke our beyblades"

"You wanna play rough, tough guy? So be it, I challenge you in a beyblade" Tyson challenged.
'Here we go' Kai thought. Kai knew he should got warn that stupid Tyson some more. He got that Tyson was confident and all but This is called 'OVERCONFIDENCE' Tyson didn't even knew how that guy plays, he just came up challenging him. Just like he did in America and Chaina,Kai sighed decided against it, might as well face the consequences and learn.

"And why would I like to have  a beybattle with someone I don't even know?" He asked casually. Tyson's eyebrow twitching, "Hei! I am Tyson Granger from Bladebreakers',we won American Tournament"goated. Murmurs and whispering started much to Tyson's pleasure.

Kai groaned inwardly 'as if'.
"Yeah, right. The march was so boring that I fell asleep on the couch." Again the guy replied calmly.  How can anyone behave so nicely making the others fuming in rage. Kai smirked inwardly, he would love to hear Tyson's comeback now. "Argggh.. That's it. We will have a beybattle right now. Or you're so afraid?huh?" Tyson shouted, on the top of his voice.
'how Kai wished to wear earplugs around this loudmouth'
"What! I'm not afraid. I will show you." with that Robert and Tyson made their ways to the beydish.

This time Kai's lip curled in the corner. He knew this style of Tyson's, yet even he could never resist the argue to teach Tyson a lesson, when he said the very same word to Kai. Kai watch from his position, as match begun and Tyson's dragon was called. However, it was not the blue majestic Dragon that held Kai's attention, The bitbeast that was surrounding dragon, light purple colored huge.

"End this, Griffolyon!" Came command, Kai's eyes narrowed, he knew that tone too well.

Griffolyon hit Dragon, It's size giving him clear advantage, heck! even that huge dragon looking like a little bird in front of it. It didn't took long until Dragon was thrown out and the guy begun to walk away proudly until Kai's voice drew his attention,"we are still waiting for your name that is?" "Robert Jürgens" was all he said before he walked away.

Failure Is Not An Option (KAI HIWATARI)Where stories live. Discover now