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xlviii. Finale

Our eyes widened as we stepped into the gold and silver adorned ballroom where our prom was being held

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Our eyes widened as we stepped into the gold and silver adorned ballroom where our prom was being held.

"Our school did something right for once." Hazel smiled, looking around.

"They sure did." Draymond chuckled. "Oo they have tea cakes." He said, dragging Hazel away with him.

Ayesha led Steph to the dance floor, leaving me and Kyrie by ourselves as we tried our best to avoid the slight tension between us.

"I'm hungry." I sighed, walking towards the refreshments area.

Kyrie smiled and followed me.
"Like always.."

I cut my eyes at him before smiling and grabbing some finger foods. He grabbed something to drink and we stood, looking out at the wide crowd.

"Why didn't you respond to me?"

He sighed.
"I just..needed time to think. The conversation we had the night before was harsh."

I nodded.
"Yeah..it was."

"Look," He said, turning towards me. "I'm sorry for how I confronted you, I was angry, I shouldn't have let it out on you, but I had a right to be pissed, I'm not backing down on that."

"I get it. You did have every right to be pissed. I just..I don't want to be reminded that we won't have moments together anymore, I just want to enjoy the moment-"

"Then let's do that. Let's dance and forget about any issues." He said, holding his hand out.

I smiled and nodded, grabbing his hand.

Tonight was going perfectly, and it made all the other issues in my life seem miniscual especially the ones with Kyrie. The group eventually joined us, it was one of the only times I had seen everyone on the team hang out with no issues. Everyone except Klay who I'd noticed I hadn't seen at all the whole night. Eventually I had to go to the restroom, I let Kyrie know before slipping away towards the back where they were located. I took a breath, thankful to be off the congested dance floor, and noticed there was already someone waiting in front of me. The person noticed me and turned and my eyes widened as I noticed who it was.
Klay. We paused as we looked at each other in awe. He had been scruffy most of the year, and I'd rarely seen Klay dressed up, I barely recognized him. He looked amazing right now. Fresh cut, trimmed beard, sharp suit, the whole nine. He cleaned up nice, coincidentally matching my own dress.

He stared with the same look and smiled.
"Damn. You look.."

"I could say the same for you actually." I chuckled.

He quickly engulfed me in a hug before taking a step back.
"I always thought we would make it to prom beleive it or not."

I chuckled and rolled my eyes.
"Yeah right."

"I did." He sighed. "I was planning on breaking things off with Asia, telling you, knowing you would probably never forgive me. I thought that maybe by prom we would be at a cordial place. I would..surprise you."

I furrowed my eyebrows.
"With what?"

He reached in his pocket and pulled out a small black ring case, causing a slight gasp came from my mouth as I stared at it.

"I know." He smiled.

"Why are you telling me this..now?"

He chuckled slightly.
"It's not for you..anymore anyways."

I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Uh, it was actually the other way around, you fell for Kyrie who no one expected that. I never expected to actually fall for Asia but..I did. I spent all this time trying to make up for it to her and I'm gonna give this to her tonight. I know I put you through a lot of shit but I did the same to her.."

I gave him a confused smile. Normally I would slap him for even bringing this up to me knowing my history with her but I was happy tonight and if this is what made him happy..who was I to make it negative..
"Oh wow. That's..I'm happy for you Klay."

He nodded.
"Thanks. I just needed to tell someone...you know I-"

"Can't keep a secret to save your life."

He smiled and nodded.
"Pretty much. Uh, I hung out with Kyrie today.."

I furrowed my eyebrows. He didn't tell me that.
"Oh that's weird."


"You guys aren't the bestest of friends."

"Yeah but we have you in common. Word of advice.."

I raised an eyebrow.

"If your man is scared of losing you, don't push him away..prove that he has nothing to worry about." He said, giving me a slight smile before the person in the bathroom came out and he walked in.

I stood there, taking in what he just said.

"You okay?"

I jumped slightly to see Kyrie standing behind me.
"Yeah, sorry, there's uh, someone in the bathroom."

He nodded.
"There's one on the other side if you want to use it."

I shook my head, giving him a small smile.
"I'll just hold it. It's not that serious."

He nodded, holding his hand out. There was now a slow song playing as we made our way back to the dance floor. His hands gripped my waist safely as he pulled me closer to him. I leaned my head against his chest as we swayed to the song in the background.

"I'm sorry."

I could feel him chuckle as I moved my head off his chest and looked up at him.

"You don't have to be sorry baby."

"I do. I haven't been the best girlfriend but you've been the perfect boyfriend. I appreciate you and I'm going to always show it whether we're next door to each other or 2000 miles from each other."

He smiled and kissed my forehead.
"Thank you. If I can turn you from my frenemy to my baby, I can make sure we can survive long distance." He said putting his pinky up.

I smiled and put my pinky around his as we kissed it at the same time.
"I love you."

"I love you too baby."

Frenemy; Kyrie Irving {au}Where stories live. Discover now