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xxxiii. Explanation


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Next Day

"He didn't want to talk?" Paul asked as we walked to class.

"No..I get how he felt over break. I fucked up by ignoring him.."

He gave me a sympathetic look.
"I mean, you could always try again. Your not that easy to get over. Plus after what you went through with Klay, he should understand why you reacted the way you did."

I smiled and turned to him. Aside from the kisses we shared during break, Paul had been a great friend and listener during this whole ordeal.
"I don't know..maybe it's for the best?"

"Go with your gut. You know what's right for you, Kyrie..or something else."

I nodded as we stopped in front of his class.
"I'll see you at lunch?"

"Of course." He said, engulfing me in a hug.

I smiled and hugged back, loving the comfort it gave me..it reminded me of the hugs Kyrie used to give me. We pulled away and he walked into class as I made my way to my own class, the hallways emptied out and as I turned the corner I bumped into Kyrie.
"Shit!" I yelled. "You scared the fuck out of me."

"So while I was worrying over you and blowing up your phone trying to explain myself, you were fucking with Paul?" He asked angrily.

My eyes slightly widened at his anger.

"Steph told me you were hanging out with someone during break..a guy..was it Paul?"

"Yes. Yes it was actually."

He scoffed.
"Wow. I'm..I can't believe I tried with you."

It was my turn to be angry.
"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?"

The late bell had rung but I didn't care, me and Kyrie had to have this conversation eventually and now was the time apparently.

"It means that you couldn't wait to jump right back into his arms could you."

"Don't do that. Don't turn this on me. You cheated on me! Don't you dare make me feel bad!"

"What the fuck were you doing with him over break huh?"

"That's none of your fucking concern!"

He scoffed and chuckled angrily, pulling me into a utility closet.
"You're gonna stop with this fucking attitude when you haven't even allowed me to explain what the fuck happened! You just ignored me! Did you ever think there was more to the fucking story smart ass!?"

"I didn't need to hear the fucking story!? The proof is in the video! You fucked her in your room while you were with me. End of story." I said, going to walk out.

He pulled me back and roughly placed his lips against mine, pinning me against the door. I tried my hardest not to kiss back and pulled away from him. Tears welled up in my eyes as I sighed.

"I didn't cheat on you!"

I stayed silent and rolled my eyes.

"Listen, when we first started working on the english paper together I was still fucking with Kayla. Me and you weren't together and I didn't even think of you like that. She was already at my house when we slept together, she was hanging out with Asia, Asia went to the store, and Kayla came to my room. She knew we were working on the project together so she wanted to make sure I didn't have feelings for you which, at the time, I didn't honestly."

I bit my lip as he explained, pulling his phone out.

"I have the video with the time stamp on my old phone. It was made before we became official. I don't know who sent that video but whoever leaked it obviously knew everyone would think I cheated on you..but I didn't."

I shut my eyes and hit my forehead. I'm a dumbass, I'm an actual dumbass. I should've just asked him..I should've just fucking asked him...
"I'm sorry."

He nodded and rolled his eyes.
"Yeah. I bet you are." He said, grabbing his stuff and walking out, leaving me alone with my regretful thoughts.

I'm an idiot.


Ayesha pulled up to the front of my house.
"Steph told me over break.."

"And you decided not to tell me Aye!?"

"I'm sorry. I-"

"I look like a fucking idiot and this could've all been avoided if you had just told me the truth!"

"Jas wait-"

"I'm your best friend Ayesha! You're supposed to tell me shit like this when you first hear about it!"

"Woah, first off!" She yelled, finally cutting me off. "You didn't want to hear anything pertaining to Kyrie, good or bad so don't blame me. Second off, I told you just to talk to him, had you did that instead of being an immature ass towards him, maybe you'd still have a relationship right now!"

My eyes widened as I glared at her.

She covered her mouth as a look of guilt clouded her face.
"I'm sorry, I-"

"No it's fine. You're right. You're fucking right." I sighed, grabbing my stuff and getting out, walking up to my door. I heard her drive off and I rolled my eyes as I reached in my bag for my keys. "Fuck come on." I searched again and they weren't there. I must've left them in my room. I looked in our gardens for the spare key and realized that wasn't there either. My mom always left her keys inside, she probably used it and never put it back. "Shit!" I yelled in frustration. Locked out of my own house..

"You okay?"

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