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xv. House Party

My eyes widened as I walked into the already packed party at Draymond's House. I kept looking down at my see through shirt, that Haze had convinced me to wear, now I was regretting it even though Kyrie had enjoyed it, all the guys were eyeing me up and down. The girls whispered about me and Kyrie and out of the corner of my eye, I saw Kayla glaring at me.

Kyrie looked around in awe of Draymonds house.
"Damn! I ain't know he lived like this."

I chuckled.
"Yep. Welcome to Draymond's infamous parties."

I noticed Ayesha, Steph, and Hazel from across the living room, making eye contact with Hazel.
"Come over." She mouthed, waving me and Kyrie to her.

Kyrie noticed and grabbed my hand as we pushed past a variety of sweaty bodies and got across the room. I smiled as Hazel pulled me towards her and hugged me as if she didn't see me two hours ago.
"Hey couple of the year is here!" I heard Draymond shout as he walked over to us.

I rolled my eyes playfully.
"Shut up."

"I'm just playing Jas. Wassup Irving."

Kyrie looked somewhat shocked that Draymond was so formal with him, expecting Draymond to say something slick.

"You wanna look around? I heard this is your first time here." Draymond asked.

Kyrie raised an eyebrow, kind of unsure.

"Of course you want a tour! Me and Steph will help you around." Draymond smiled, cutting him off and putting a arm on his shoulder. "C'mon baby face."

Steph rolled his eyes before chuckling at Drays annoying nickname.
"Give me a minute."

Draymond nodded, practically forcing Kyrie to walk away with him.

I turned to Steph with a confused look.
"Where is Draymond taking him?"

"Calm down Jas. You act as if he's going to pumple the guy."

Knowing Kyrie and Draymond's history..they just might...
"Don't tell me you guys are pulling any slick shit on him Steph."

"If he's a friend of yours, he's a friend of ours, no matter how much of an asshole he is."

I rolled my eyes at the last part.

"Nothing bad is going to happen. We'll be back." Steph said, putting his cup down and following the two guys.

I turned to Ayesha and Hazel.
"Do you guys know what their doing?"

Hazel shook her head and Ayesha looked down.

I raised an eyebrow.
"Ayesha..what do you know?" She couldn't lie to save her life..

"You know how protective they are of all of us, they just want to make sure Kyrie has the right intentions. They just want to look out for you, honestly."


I looked around at Draymonds man cave which was pretty nice. Pool table, flatscreen, three playstations, a minibar, a dart board, and a small basketball hoop.
"It's nice." I said, turning to them, knowing that they didn't just bring me down here to show me how priveleged Draymond was. "Now what's up?"

"What's up with you and Jas?" Steph asked, leaning on the pool table.

I raised an eyebrow.
"What do you me-"

"Jas'mariee is not good at hiding her emotions. We've been friends with her since birth so we know something is going on between you two."

"We're just friends." I shrugged. "Why does it matter?"

"We just don't want to see her get hurt again." Steph said, looking up at me as if he was just seeing my bad history with girls.

"She's like a little sister to us Kyrie. We just want to know that if anything happens, you aren't going to hurt her."

Did everyone really see through us?
Of course I liked Jas'mariee and of course I wanted to have her to myself, but my history with girls weren't great and I didn't want to promise something I couldn't keep. Even it was to these two 'brothers'.
I looked up at them and sighed.
"I really like her." I said unexpectedly. It felt weird saying it out loud. It felt weird telling anyone this, especially two guys who I considered practical enemies.

"Oh really?" Draymond chuckled.

"I mean that to say I wouldn't hurt her. She's so different from any other girl I've ever been around. She's the only girl I know that made me change my entire personality in the matter of a month. Shit happened so fast it scared me. Now look at me, spilling my emotions to you two boo zoos."

Steph and Draymond chuckled as they walked up to me.

"Any friend of hers is a friend of mines, all the bullshit that happened in the past aside, we're cool." Draymond shrugged.

Steph nodded.

"Y'all know Klay isn't going to like this right?"

They both looked at each other and sighed.

"He'll get over it." Draymond shrugged.

"If we could get over him cheating on Jas. He can deal with you." Steph said, shrugging along with Draymond.

And just like that I had made unlikely friends with my used to be enemies all because of one girls effect on me.


We danced to a couple more songs, and I was actually beginning to have a good time. I didn't regret coming out...yet. Me and Hazel stopped to catch our breaths as we clutched each other in a fit of giggles. I could tell she had already had a couple of the drinks that Draymond had snuck from his dads mini bar.

She stood up and screamed.
"This party is lit as hell!"

I chuckled.
"You're lit as hell! How much did you drink?"

"Only like three shots." She smiled. She then looked behind me and gasped. "There goes my baby!" She sang, referring to Draymond. "I'll catch you later girl! Enjoy yourself!" She said, over the music and practically running into Draymond's arms.

I sighed, and went to walk over to them when I felt someone pull me back. I raised an eyebrow and turned to see Kayla.
"What do you want?"

"What the fuck are you doing here with my man?"

This delusional bitch.

"Why are you here with my man? I didn't stutter Lopez."

"He's not your man or he'd be here with you but instead he's here with me so leave me alone Kayla."

She scoffed.
"Are y'all fucking or something? Why are y'all all up under each other all of sudden?"

"Why do you care?"

"Because I can, stay away from him bitch."


"Kayla. Leave her alone."

I turned to see Klay standing there, causing Kayla to bat her eyelashes and put on a fake smile.
"Hey Thompson. Heard your single."

He ignored her comments.
"I need to talk to Jas."

She rolled her eyes and shrugged.
"Whatever. Call me if you need anything baby boy."

I scoffed and chuckled.
"Were you fucking her too?"

He sighed and looked down at me.
"Can we talk?"

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