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xxvii. Believe Me

"It's GAME DAY!" Hazel yelled in my ear, causing me to grimace.

"Damn girl shut up." I chuckled, closing my locker at the end of the day.

"Sorry. I'm excited." She smiled. "This is the game that determines whether we make the playoffs. It's all Draymond has been talking about so he got me riled up for it too."

"I get it." Kyrie had been non stop training for this game and the team was prepared to win at all cause.


We all left school, met back up at the gym, and we all found ourselves outside of the locker room right before tip off, ready to give our significant others good luck.

"We're like basketball wives." Savannah chuckled.

We laughed along with her.

"The high school version." I smiled.

"Honestly though." Ayesha smiled. "If we're still with them and they actually do make it to the NBA, it'll be a reality."

"One can hope." Hazel sighed as they started.

Coach Jackson started his motivational speech for the guys.
"Alright this is what the season leads up to..the playoffs. I hate that this even came down to a deciding game because I know you guys are better than that, but I believe in this team. We got good guys here, some of y'all are seniors and a championship would look great to any scouts and colleges. Let's win this game and mark it as one of consecutive wins to our championship Okay?"

"Yes sir!" The team agreed.

"Alright everyone huddle up. 1! 2! 3!"


Their heavy footsteps were heard thundering out of the locker room and passing the entrance to the court. Each girl congratulated their guy and as usual Kyrie was the last one to walk out. He walked towards me with a smile, kissing my lips.

"Good luck babe." I smiled.

"Thank you babygirl!" He yelled, running with the rest of his teammates.


"GO STEPHY!" Ayesha screamed at the top of her lungs as Steph splashed a three from half court.

The score was 32-45 in favor of out team with less than a minute left in the first half. Both sides of the gym was loud with Sacramento High's fans cheering just as loud as the home side. We cheered as Klay hit a jumper and got fouled. The other team called for a timeout. The teams got back on the floor and Kyrie was starting to catch fire. Hitting three consecutive shots. All of us girls cheered with excitement as the halftime buzzer blared and the teams walked off the court. Me and Kyrie made brief eye contact and he winked at me causing me to smile. During halftime, Hazel went to get snacks and Ayesha and Savannah were singing Sicko Mode.

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