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viii. Irritation and Schemes

I sighed and pouted, as I walked up to Hazel and Draymond who were leaning on the lockers by mine.

"Someone's gloomy." Hazel noticed, turning to me.

"I'm just in a weird mood." I shrugged, I'd been in a weird mood most of this week and Kyrie's antics last night didn't help.

Draymond sighed, as I grabbed my books out of my locker.
"Uh, how was your study date with Kyrie?"

I closed my locker and turned to him.
"I can't wait for it to be over.."

"Sorry you have to deal with that Jas."

"It's whatever. How did you know about me and Kyrie?"

"Well..." He said, putting his hands in his pockets. "The man who should not be named, got into Kyrie's conversation and we found out that you guys were partners on a paper. They started arguing at the fact that Kyrie was hanging out with you."

"He shouldn't be arguing with anyone about being with me. He didn't want to be in this relationship so he shouldn't care who I'm with.." I sighed, rolling my eyes. As I turned, I was met with Kyrie.

He slightly glared at Draymond as he walked closer to me.
"I might be late today, I'm staying after practice for a bit."

"How late?" I asked.

"About an hour..why does it matter? I'll be there aight."

"I need you there at 5' Kyrie. I have stuff to do afterwards."
I wasn't in the mood for his bullshit.

"Look Lopez. I'll be there when I get there."

I rolled my eyes and sighed.
"You're being an asshole."

"It doesn't matter that much Jas'mariee." He said, confused with my attitude.

"It does matter. If your late then we can just do our own fucking papers." I snapped.

He looked shocked that I snapped at him but then narrowed his eyes.
"Then let's do that."

I furrowed my eyebrows, expecting him to just comply with what I asked.

"We're doing our own fucking papers. Glad we established that." He said, walking off before I could even respond.

I sighed and ran my hands through my hair.
"Shit." I mumbled to myself.

As I looked down the hallway, I could see a confused Steph walking towards me.
"What's going on with you and Irving Jas?"

"We're just...we were partners for a paper. Jesus, I forget you guys haven't seen me with a guy other than Klay. Shit." I sighed in irritation.

"Speaking of.." Draymond mumbled.

I looked past Steph and down the hall to see Klay walking towards us.

I rolled my eyes.
"Here we go.."

He walked up to me and sighed.
"Can we talk? Please?"

"What about?"

"I just..need to talk."

I scoffed.
"No. Screw off." I said, closing my locker and grabbing my bag, I went to walk away but he pulled me back.

"Please Jas'mariee. Just two minutes."

I bit my lip and rolled my eyes.
"Fine." I turned to Hazel. "I'll see you in third okay?"

She nodded, mouthing good luck.
I'm going to need it..

We got to a less crowded hallway as he looked down on me.
"What's going on with you and Kyrie?"

"What's it to you?" I scoffed.

"I just...I don't want you being near him."

"Wow! Klay, we're not together, so you don't have that authority over me." I chuckled, at the fact that he had the audacity to say what he said.

"Jas'mariee, he...he's not good news-"

"We are just partners on a paper Klay. Calm your tits."

He looked at me with low eyes.
"That's how we met."

I scoffed.
"Listen Klay, I don't care about what little fit your trying to pull here but you cheated on me! You left me for that backstabbing bitch of a friend, so deal with the fucking consequences and stay out of my fucking life."

"You know that I regret that Jas'mariee! I would take it all back if I could!"

"But you can't, can you." I scoffed, glaring at him.

He sighed.
"I understand that you want to move on but Kyrie is not exactly your best option."

"If I want to move on with Kyrie, I will! If I choose to fuck him I will! And it's none of your fucking concern! Live with it."

"Excuse me?" I heard a voice interject.

Me and Klay turned to see Asia walking towards us, with smoke practically coming out of her ears.

I gave her a fierce glare and smirked.
"You heard what I said. Do I need to repeat myself?"

She walked up to me, face to face.
"Don't you go anywhere near my brother with your schemes Jas'mariee." She warned.

I wasn't scared of her, and if she thought doing that would scare me, she thought wrong.
"You fuck my boyfriend, I fuck your brother. Checkmate bitch." I smiled, walking away.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I unlocked the front door to my house and threw my book bag down, closing the door behind me.

"Ah. Mija. You look stressed."

I looked up to see my mom and my dad standing in front of me.
"Mom? Dad? Welcome back."

"I'm sorry we missed you first day Jas'mariee. We had-"

"Business." I sighed, cutting off my dad. "I know."


"Mom. Stop. I'm 17, you can't just up and leave whenever you like for as long as you like. I need notice. I'm sick of this!"

"Alright Jas! That's enough, watch your tone!" My dad yelled, shutting me up completely.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed my book bag.
"Whatever. Welcome back padres."

"You know why we leave and what we do Jas'mariee. And we do it to give you this lifestyle that you love. This nice house, the clothes on your back, the-"

"I didn't ask you to-.." I paused and started walking upstairs. "I'm tired. I need to take a nap."

Frenemy; Kyrie Irving {au}Where stories live. Discover now