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xl. Another Typical Party

I finished tying my hair in a low bun, taking a final glance at my outfit as Ayesha walked out of the bathroom.
"The party starts at 9 right?"

I chuckled and put some lip gloss on.
"I think so, you ready?"

She nodded, smoothing her shirt out.
"Yeah, are you?"

I nodded, putting my jean jacket over my black jumpsuit.
"Yep. You lead the way madame."


We were on our way to Savannah's house when Ayesha broke the silence in the car.
"Prom is coming up..you got a dress yet?"

My eyes widened as I gasped.
"Oh shit! Prom is coming up. I haven't even started looking yet."

"Me and Hazel are going dress shopping next week. You should come with us."

I nodded.
"Yeah. Yeah, I will."

We pulled up to Savannah's house, and already saw it was full. People had spilled out into the front lawn and I'm sure they were in the backyard as well. I got out of the car and walked over to Ayesha's side of the car.

"You ready?" She asked.

I nodded as she grabbed my hand and led us to the house, through the thick crowd of people. The music was blaring and Ayesha spotted some of her other friends from her English class. I told her to go ahead while I went to the kitchen to get something to drink. As I walked into the kitchen, I bumped into Savannah.

"Jas!" She yelled, hugging me.

I smiled and hugged back.

"I wasn't expecting to see you here. What changed your mind?"

"Ayesha's insistent begging is the cause, plus I thought I'd use it to get my mind off of Kyrie."

She nodded.

"Is he coming tonight?"

She shrugged.
"I'm not sure. LeBron never got a clear answer out of him. He was trying to convince all the guys to come try to have fun before the game."

I nodded.

She filled a cup up and handed it to me.
"Don't ask me what's in it because I barely even know but it'll get you fucked up if you chug."

I chuckled.
"Thanks Sav."

"Of course. See you out there." She smiled.

I took a deep breath and drank half of the cup. The burning sensation made me regret it as I gagged slightly but I felt a tad bit better. I walked out of the kitchen and leaned against the wall, finishing off the rest of my drink.


I turned to see Klay standing there and chuckled.
"What are you doing here?"

"This party is for the basketball team you know that right?"

"Of course I know that. Where's the two other musketeers?"

"Steph said he might come but her has papers. Dray said the same but I'm hoping to convince them both to come." He shrugged.

I nodded.
"You here with anyone in particular?"

"Nope just some friends.."

I nodded again, finishing off my drink.

"What happened with you and Kyrie?"

I sighed and rolled my eyes.
"It doesn't matter."

"How come you didn't tell me?"

"Because we're not best friends Klay. I don't have to inform you of what goes on in my life."

"Damn." He scoffed. "I still love you Jas, your still one of the most important parts of my life. I don't like hearing from other people about the negative things in your life."

"Klay I'm..I'm really not in the mood." I said, grabbing my cup and walking through the crowd to Savannah's empty backyard.

I sat by the edge of the pool and slide my shoes off, dipping my legs in. Soon I heard some footsteps behind me and turned to see Klay.

"You don't take hints Thompson."

"What happened?"

I rolled my eyes.
"This one small thing turned into this huge thing. When I thought Kyrie had cheated on me, I'd been hanging out with Paul and we kissed."

Klay chuckled slightly and coughed. I cut my eyes at him causing him to stop.
"Sorry continue."

"When me and Kyrie were good, I didn't tell him because it was a measly kiss. Then Daniella flipped it and made it seem like Paul told her that me and him had sex. It all blew up and...now my boyfriend doesn't trust me. I don't even know if he's still my boyfriend."

"I'm sure he'll forgive you Jas."

"How do you know?"

"Because you're you. You're not easy to give up on." He said, giving me a reassuring smile.

I smiled back and hugged him.
"Thank you."


I sat in my room, playing 2k before getting interrupted by the doorbell. I knew Asia was downstairs so I ignored it until it rang again and again. I rolled my eyes and paused the game, walking downstairs. I looked at Asia watching tv before looking at the door.
"Damn, you ain't hear the doorbell?"

"I did but it's no one for me so why answer it." She shrugged.

I scoffed and opened the door to reveal Steph. I furrowed my eyebrows.
"What are you doing here?"

He smiled.
"We're going to a party. Get ready."

"Excuse me? I have a lovely game of 2k waiting for me. I'm good."

"Come on Aye is making me go, I don't wanna be there alone."

"Dray or Klay going?"

"Klay's already there which means he's probably already drunk, and Dray can't go because of English so.."

I rolled my eyes.
"Fine. Come in."

He smiled and nodded, walking in.


As soon as I was met with the blaring music, I regretted coming here. Me and Steph went to the kitchen to grab drinks. I quickly poured some alcohol in it, and downed it. He looked around and sighed.
"Have you see Ayesha or Klay?"

"Nah, you need help looking?"

"Yeah, she isn't answering my texts."

I nodded, pouring another cup.
"I'll check."

We both split up, him checking the front of the house and me checking the back of the house. I still didn't see either of them, so I decided to check the back of the house by the pool. As I opened the door, I peeked outside and noticed two people by the pool. I stepped out and walked towards them when I noticed it was Klay and Jas, hugging. I rolled my eyes.

They both snapped their heads up, quickly moving away from each other.

"Damn you scared me." Klay chuckled, standing up.

"Yeah, Steph is inside looking for you.."

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