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v. Teasing

I got home, immediately dropping down onto my living room couch. As soon as I shut my eyes my doorbell blared throughout the empty house. I groaned and got up in irritation. I looked at my peephole to see Steph and Draymond. I rolled my eyes.
"What the hell do you guys want?" I asked through the door.

"Jas, please just open the door so we can explain." Steph sighed.

I rolled my eyes again and turned to walk away when I heard Draymond's voice.
"Don't walk away Jas. We don't have practice today and we won't leave until you open the door."

I sighed and no matter how bad I wanted to tell them to fuck off, I felt I had to give them one chance to explain themselves. I opened the door swiftly and let them in.
"You guys have 10 fucking minutes to tell me how you decided to stab me in the back."

"Okay. Okay." Draymond said, as they sat down in my living room. "Yes we knew that Klay was with Asia and no we didn't approve. We also didn't want to keep it from you but the first time we found out about, we were going to tell you immediately."

"But then Klay said it was an accident. A one time thing and that it wouldn't happen again." Steph interjected.

"He practically cried to us Jas. We thought he was genuine and he said that he didn't want this small thing to ruin what y'all had so we believed him and thought we didn't have to tell you because it wouldn't happen again."

"We thought he genuinely regretted it."

"Until.." Steph intercepted. "He did it again."

Draymond leaned back and put his hands up.
"I only knew about the first time. This story is all Steph."

Steph rolled his eyes and continued.
"I caught them...in the act..and it was a couple days before you came back. I was furious and pissed that he'd do something like this again so I told him I was going to tell you. I had your number ready to call but he stopped me and said he wanted to tell you himself. He said it wasn't my business and you should know from him, not someone else. He said he would tell you as soon as you got back, so the day after you came back, I asked him during practice if he had told you and he said he did and that you were okay with it since it was a mistake-"

"Does that even sound like me Stephen?" I asked angrily.

"No! It didn't but he was adamant that he'd been able to persuade you and sweet talk you into thinking that it was just an accident and that it was okay and since you guys were happy when I saw you, I assumed everything was good and the cheating was in the past." He explained.

I ran my hands through my hair and scoffed.
"That manipulative little bitch."

"Now do you understand why we did what we did?"

I sighed, contemplating it.
"You guys still could've asked how I was doing. You think I've found out that I just got cheated on and I'm supposed to be okay?"

"Jas'mariee we didn't-"

"I know..I know..you didn't know. I'll think about okay. Just..I need some time..away from everyone."

They both nodded.

"I understand it's okay." Steph said giving me a sympathetic smile.

"Take your time."

I gave them a small smile as I heard the doorbell ring.

"Is that Hazel?"

"Is that Ayesha?"

I shrugged and got up to open the door, only to reveal the person that made my blood boil. I glared up at the 6' foot man and I sighed, trying not to make a scene.
"Get the fuck off my doorstep...please." I said through gritted teeth.

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