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xxxii. Welcome Back

"You ready?" Paul asked, looking down at me.

I sighed and looked at the entrance of the school. Coming back after break was not something that I was looking forward to...
"Yeah, lets go."

We both walked into the school, side by side as people gave me looks as I walked down the hallway. The whispers ensued, 'she's bold for showing her face', 'isn't that Kyrie's side chick', 'damn I feel bad for her'. He squeezed my hand for reassurance and I gave him a smile. As I turned the corner to my locker I saw my friends all standing there anxiously and kind of nervous then I noticed one particular face missing at my locker..Kyrie

"You sure you're ready?" Paul asked, rubbing my thumb for reassurance.

I nodded.
"Ready as I'll ever be. I have to see them at some point."

Me and Paul walked up to the group and their eyes widened as they noticed Paul's hand in mine. We looked at each other before quickly pulling our hands apart.

"Jas'mariee!" They yelled simultaneously as I smiled.

"Hey guys." I smiled, hugging each of them.

"You haven't talked to any of us since the party. What the fuck?" Klay asked, addressing the situation.

Ayesha and Hazel looked around trying to avoid the guys confrontation of me.

"Yeah what was up with that?" Steph asked, raising his eyebrow.

"I just didn't want to be reminded of Ky. I know you guys were friends with him, I just needed to be by myself. No guys."

Draymond looked at Paul and furrowed his eyebrows.
"Other than him?"

I looked from Paul to them and rolled my eyes.
"That's different, but I'm here now. Can we move past this?"

Steph shrugged.
"Sure. I just feel like you could've talked to me."

"Me too." Klay seconded.

"Me three, skinny Minnie. We're always here for you." Draymond reassured. "Kyrie's our teammate but your our little sister. Don't forget."

I smiled.

"Are you okay though?" Hazel asked.

I nodded.
"Yeah I'm fine. Other than the stares and snide remarks, I'm good."

"We got your back J." Draymond said, wrapping his arm around my shoulder along with Klay.

I chuckled at their brotherly instincts.
"I love you guys."

"We love you too Jas'mariee!" They screamed, making sure everyone heard.

"We need to get class." Ayesha chuckled, pulling me away and linking arms.

Frenemy; Kyrie Irving {au}Where stories live. Discover now