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xi. Jealous Yet?

"So I heard you apologized." Hazel smiled, as we grabbed our books for the day.

I sighed.
"I need the grade. He's actually pretty smart. Where is Ayesha?"

"She's going to be late. Steph's car was having issues."

I chuckled.
"I told him to get a new car but no since his car is an 'antique'."

We both laughed as Klay and Draymond walked over.
"Hey Draymond." I smiled as Hazel hugged him.

"Wassup Jas, how you doing on Mr. Kazinsky's paper?"

"Um, I'm making progress with it. Kyrie isn't as bad as I thought he was."

"What does that mean?" Klay asked, finally speaking up.

I rolled my eyes and turned to him.
"How's Asia?" I asked, I noticed that they had been together a lot recently.

Klay scoffed.
"She's fine."

I nodded and closed my locker.
"That's good. I'll see you in third period Haz. Dray, I'll see you at lunch."

They both nodded as I walked over Kyrie's locker causing him to close it and turn to me.
"What's up Lopez?"

"Did you finish your part of the paper last night?" I asked, holding my bag on my hip.



"But." He said, stopping me in my tracks. "I should be done by tonight."

I nodded.

"See." He said closing his locker. "I'm not as useless as you think I am Lopez."

"I never said you were useless."

We continued our conversation as we unknowingly walked to class together.
"I very specifically remember you calling me useless yesterday." He smirked.

I scoffed.
"That was because I asked you to get my phone which was sitting right next to you. Literally on the charger next to you and you refused."


I heard my phone ping from across my room but I was already typing away at my third paragraph for this stupid paper so I didn't want to interrupt my flow.
"Kyrie." I called, not taking my eyes off of my computer.

"What?" He asked, tossing his basketball up in the air.

"Can you hand me my phone?" I asked, motioning to it which was on the charger right next to chair he was sitting on.

"It's a little far." He shrugged lazily.

"Kyrie! Just hand it to me, I don't want to get up."

"Neither do I Lopez."

I rolled my eyes and stopped my typing, standing up and walking over to my charger
"You're useless." I mumbled, grabbing my phone.

He bit his lip as his eyes diverted to my ass while I bent over to get my charger.
"I can be very useful if you let me."

I scoffed.
"You wish."

"Wishes do come true babygirl." He winked.

"Whatever." He chuckled, as we continued walking down the hallway.

I noticed that we were getting looks from people as we walked. I specifically noticed Klay's angry demeanor as we walked past him and his friends, along with a glare from Asia as she clung to Klay's side. I smirked and continued talking to Kyrie until we were stopped by Kayla, who cut her eyes at me then batted her fake eyelashes at Kyrie.
"Hey Ky. I need your help with something, you mind helping me?"

Frenemy; Kyrie Irving {au}Where stories live. Discover now