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xxv. Forgive Me?

"You can get the biggest Chanel bag in the store if you want it!" I sang along to drip to hard as I stepped out of the shower.

I tied my hair up in a messy bun and tightened my white robe around my body. I felt my phone vibrate and looked down to see that Kyrie had texted me.

Ky🥰🤪: Are you home?

I ignored the text and closed my phone, but before I could even step out of my room, my doorbell rang. I raised an eyebrow and walked to the door, looking through the peephole to see Kyrie. I rolled my eyes and opened the door.
"What do you want? Want to lash out at me again?"

"No. I want to explain why I've been the way I've been. Can I come in?"

I sighed and nodded, opening the door for him.
"So..?" I asked, crossing my arms. "What do you want to explain?"

"That day that Paul dropped you off..I told him that me and you were dating and to, you know, back off a little."

I nodded, waiting for the actual explanation.

"He told me straight up 'no. I like her, I'm going after her and we'll see who she chooses'."

I furrowed my eyebrows.

"So by you getting close to him and hanging out more, it looks like your choosing him, that's why I've been acting like a bitch lately because I-"

"Wait..he likes me?"

Kyrie rolled his eyes and nodded.
"Yeah. How have you not noticed that?"

I shrugged, crossing my arms.
"I'm just..I thought he was being friendly."

"That's what he wanted you to think."

"Why the hell didn't you just tell me this? We could've fixed this a long time ago."

"I wanted to see how long it'd take you to notice what he was doing-"

I stopped him.
"So instead of telling me that this guy is trying to steal me from you..you try and test me to see if I'll actually do it?"

He paused and thought about it.
"Okay, saying it out loud, it sounds stupid but in my head I swear it made sense."

"So you caused multiple arguments..just to see if I'd cheat on you or not?"

"I know, I fucked up."

"Why are you telling me this now? Why not just keep on testing me?"

"Because I saw the stress it was causing us. I just looked like a jealous boyfriend and you were just..I just didn't want him thinking that he had a chance."

"He never had a chance. Nothing he did was going to take me away from you. You should've just trusted me."

He walked up to me and sighed apologetically.
"I know..I know. I'm sorry."

Frenemy; Kyrie Irving {au}Where stories live. Discover now