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xxiv. Schemes

I woke up with Kyrie's arms tightly locked around my waist. I groaned and reached for my phone, seeing we were late getting up. I sighed and shook Kyrie trying to wake him.
"We have to get to school Ky."

"I want to stay here." He mumbled, pulling me closer.

I chuckled.
"We can't be late baby. Get up."

He sighed, slightly removing his locked arms from my waist.

Soon I heard footsteps approach my room door and raised an eyebrow.
"Who is-"

Then the door opened.
"Oh my god! Jas!"

My eyes widened and Kyrie also sat up, as we both saw Ayesha and Hazel standing there with smirks on their faces.
"Busted!" Hazel chuckled.

"Sorry!" Ayesha said apologetically, pulling Hazel out and closing the door.

I could feel my face blush with embarrassment as Kyrie chuckled.
"We've been caught." He smiled, getting up.

I rolled my eyes and got up, opening the door.
"It's okay. We're decent. We just overslept."

Hazel smirked and chuckled.

"Stop smirking!"

"Sorry!" She laughed. "You weren't answering your phone or the door so I used your spare key and checked on you."

"Yeah I'm getting ready now."

Ayesha sighed and shrugged.
"All three of us might as well be late and get chick fil a for breakfast?"

Hazel smiled.
"Yes! Get ready Lopez."

I sighed and walked back into my room, seeing Kyrie slipping his slides on.
"I have to get ready but I'll see you at school okay?"

I nodded, kissing his lips before he left and getting ready myself. I showered, freshened myself, before throwing on a pair of leggings and a cropped sweatshirt. I walked out to see Hazel and Ayesha downstairs watching SpongeBob in my living room.
"We still getting food?"

They both looked up and Hazel turned the TV off.
"Finally, you took for fucking ever. I'm hungry." Hazel pouted.

Ayesha chuckled.
"Let's go."


"I'm just saying.." Hazel sighed, popping a hash brown in her mouth as we walked into the school. "It's fine to admit that you and Kyrie went to third base."

"Shut up!" I chuckled, walking to my locker. "We fell asleep. That's all."

"It's crazy..you guys deadass hated each other in the beginning of the school year, now Mr. Player is up in your bed."

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