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xxxviii. Revelations

I nodded and followed them upstairs to a secluded hallway.

"Okay Haz, tell her." Ayesha egged on.

"Okay, I was about to walk into the kitchen when I overheard Dani and Paul talking about something. I heard Dani say 'I leaked that weak ass sex tape and he's still with that bitch'."

"Wait.." I scoffed. "She's not talking about-"

"I think she was.."

"Fucking Kayla was right!" I yelled.


I sighed and paused.
"Today in school. Kayla told me that her, Dani, and Kyrie were the only ones who knew about the video. Why would Kyrie and Kayla want to release their own sex tape?"

Ayesha and Hazel's eyes widened.

"I think we know who leaked it now."

I scoffed as I felt my blood start to boil.
"Yeah. Yeah we fucking do." I turned and made my way downstairs.

"Wait Jas!" Ayesha yelled after me but that was just background noise. I was on a mission for Daniella. I searched through the main house then went outside to find her right there, giggling with my man. I practically ran over there and punched her. One good deck right to her nose.

"Jas what the fuck!?" Kyrie yelled.

Daniella stood up and tackled me to the ground.
"You bitch!"

"Fuck you!" I yelled back, kicking her off of me and standing up to do more damage until I felt a pair of hands grab me. I turned to see Paul had now held me. Paul held me back as Kyrie grabbed Dani, who tried to lunge at me. I pushed against his arms but he wasn't budging, there was no way he was letting me go.

"Woah what the hell is going on?" Draymond asked, walking up to us as a crowd had started to form.

"It was her!" I yelled.

"What did she do?" Kyrie asked.

Daniella glared at me, as if daring me to expose her. Ayesha and Hazel quickly ran up to the scene as I kept trying to wiggle my way out of Paul's strong grip.

"She leaked the fucking video Kyrie! It was fucking her! She caused all this shit to break us up."

Kyrie let her go and furrowed his eyebrows.
"Wait what?"

"No. No it's not what you think-"

"We heard you Dani. We know you leaked the video because you thought Kyrie was going to leave Jas." Ayesha sighed.

Daniella closed her eyes and sighed, turning to Kyrie.
"Ky, please, it's not what it looks like."

"Then what is it bitch!?"

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