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iii. Revelations and Schemes

I sighed and opened my locker, grabbing my textbooks.
"No one knows where Klay or Asia is?"

The gang shrugged.

"I don't know. He's been coming in late, lately." Steph shrugged.

"And Asia said she caught a ride with Kyrie so I don't know about her either." Ayesha shrugged.

I nodded.
"Alright. I'll see you guys at lunch?"

They all nodded.
"For sure skinny Minnie." Draymond said, turning back to Hazel.

I chuckled and walked away, praying that today was a good day.

- - - - - - - - - - -

The first half school day had went by rather quickly, it was almost lunch and I had to get through my english class that had Kyrie in it, without Ayesha to keep me from strangling him. As I walked in, I sat towards the back like I usually do. The only seat that was opened happened to be the only one next to Kyrie.
He smirked as I sat down, and the bell rang. The class had gone by smoothly, Kyrie was mainly quiet and hadn't done anything yet. He was actually listening and doing his work, English was his favorite subject.
Just as I thought everything was going okay, I heard he infamous click, clack, of a pen coming from his desk. I tried ignoring it, but he continued until I finally put my pencil down and turned to him.
"Please stop clicking the pen." I said.

He smirked and clicked it again.

I rolled my eyes angrily, moving closer to him.
"If you don't stop clicking that damn pen, I will stab you in the eye with it!"

He leaned in close.
"I'd like to see you try princess."

I reached for it, but he pulled it back and grabbed my arm forcefully.
"Your going to have to try harder than that." He chuckled, throwing my arm off his desk and turning towards the front.

I huffed and turned back as our teacher, called us to attention.
"Alright class! We will have our first big paper of the semester-"

A loud series of groans and annoyance rang from the class, including me.

"Settle down. Settle down. This will be a partner paper, you will choose your partner by the end of the week or I will choose for you. This paper will be due by the end of the month, you will choose a play or two and dissect the authors thoughts and how it is portrayed in their work."

I rolled my eyes.
Partners! I didn't even know anyone in the class.
"Damn." I mumbled.

- - - - - - - - - - -

After school, I threw my bag down and went to the kitchen to get something to eat. As I reached for an orange, there was a knock on my door. I raised an eyebrow and opened it to see Hazel and Ayesha standing there with sympathetic eyes.

"Hey guys." I smiled. "To what do I owe this visit?"

Ayesha looked from me to Hazel and back to me. She looked serious.
"Can we come in?"

I nodded and opened the door for them to walk in.
"What's up? You guys are kind of scaring me."

Hazel sat down and sighed.
"Alright..I'll just come out and say it because there's no reason to sugarcoat this.."

I nodded and sat across from them.
"Okay...spill it.."

"Klay's cheating on you!" Ayesha blurted.

My eyes widened as my heart rate sped up.
"Wh-what?" I asked, my voice slightly cracking at the revelation.

Hazel sighed.
"Damn Aye. You didn't have to yell it out like that."


"Wait, Wait, how do you know this? How do you know this is true?" I asked, praying that it was just a misunderstanding.

"I was walking in the hallway, skipping first period when I saw Asia and Klay in the hallway. I was going to walk over but it looked like they were talking about something serious so I hid behind the lockers. They started talking about this summer and Klay said that something was a mistake. Asia said, 'us sleeping together wasn't a mistake, you still being with Jas'mariee is a mistake'. Then they started whispering about something else and she kissed him, like...tongue on tongue."

I grimaced at the detail as tears welled up in my eyes.

"She didn't need the detail Haz!" Ayesha sighed.

"Sorry. Sorry Jas, but it's Asia. Klay's been cheating on you with Asia."

Ayesha turned to me.
"I questioned Steph about it and he finally cracked saying that Klay and Asia slept together twice when you were gone. We knew nothing about it though Jas."

I scoffed.
"That's where he's been all these mornings. That secret 'guy' Asia was with during he summer! Those two fucking liars! I can't believe they-.," I couldn't even put it into words, how angry and betrayed I was as tears started spilling out of my eyes.

Ayesha and Hazel quickly came over to comfort me, and they did, as I felt comfort with their arms around me as a fountain gushed from my eyes.
"I knew he was to fucking good to be true. I knew he was acting weird and I fucking ignored it." I sobbed. "I'm so fucking stupid."

"No! No your not! Asia and Klay are the stupid ones for even doing that to you!" Hazel said, hugging me tightly.

Ayesha sighed.
"I don't know about you..but I would want revenge."

I raised an eyebrow and sat up.
"What are you thinking?"

She looked at me and Hazel.
"Okay..this might sound kind of crazy but..Kyrie is Klay's practical enemy and being with Kyrie would kill Asia."

"What are you saying Aye?" Hazel asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Operation: Get with Kyrie." She smirked.

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