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i. New Year, Same Me

I smiled, looking in the mirror, and content with my first-day back to school outfit. A cropped sweatshirt, some ripped jeans, and a nice pair of flats. I grabbed my bag and smiled as I felt my phone buzz with a text from my boyfriend, Klay Thompson, the school 'pretty boy'. I hadn't seen him most of the summer, and I was anxious to see him again.

Babyboy💙💛: Can't wait to see you baby😘

Before I could respond, I heard a knock on my front door.
There was only one person, that could be, my next door neighbor/best friend Asia..Irving to be exact.
I grabbed my bag and walked downstairs, expecting to be greeted by my parents, but instead being greeted by a note on the front door.

Last minute business trip Jas'mariee. Me and your mom should be back in a couple of days. Enjoy your first day of school ❤️
~Love Mom and Dad

My mom was a flight attendant and my dad was a pilot. They were rarely ever home, and it hadn't changed since I was little.

"Of course.." I mumbled, ripping the note down and opening the door.

Asia's eyes widened as she pulled me in for a tight hug. I smiled and hugged back, sharing her excitement.
"How was your trip!? You got tan girl!"

I smiled.
"Thank you. Thank you. And it was amazing."

Before I could continue, we heard a car horn honk. It was our friends Hazel and Ayesha, here to pick us up as they normally did. We all drove to school together, and rambled about our summers as we walked into the hellhole that we called high school.

"Thank god it's senior year!" Hazel sighed as we walked to our lockers.

Asia stopped and checked her phone.
"Um, guys, I have to get my schedule. I'll meet up with you guys later." She said, hurrying off.

I turned to Ayesha with a raised eyebrow, but she just shrugged as we continued our walk to our lockers. As we finally got to our lockers, I pulled my phone out to text Klay and ask where he was, as he was usually here at my lockers to greet me in the morning.

To Babyboy💙💛: Where are you??


We all looked up to see Steph and Draymond walk up to us with wide smiles on their faces.
We were all like the six musketeers, one of those friend groups that other people were jealous of.

Frenemy; Kyrie Irving {au}Where stories live. Discover now