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xxxvi. Sleep Over

"Yo! Jas!"

I snapped out of my sleep and rubbed my eyes, looking out at the familiar school parking lot. I groaned as I realized we had made it to school.

"I'm so tired." I sighed, grabbing my bag.

Kyrie chuckled.
"Why are you so sleepy?"

I shrugged and got out as he did the same. We both hadn't told anyone about our reconciliation so I knew once we walked in everyone would be shocked. We walked through the double doors and everyone turned our way, whispering and cutting their eyes. Kyrie shrugged them off and intertwined our hands, kissing my cheek.
"Haters gonna hate baby."

I smiled and squeezed his hand as we walked up to my locker, where all my other friends were gathered. Their eyes widened as they noticed us.

"Oh wow!" Draymond chuckled.

"The dream couple back on?" Steph asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes. Yes we are." He smiled, kissing my lips.

I smiled and kissed back, turning to my girls who were just as shocked.

"Jas, can I talk to you over there for a second?" Hazel asked.

I nodded, letting go of Kyrie's hand as me and Ayesha walked over with her.

"When did this happen!?" Hazel yelled.

I chuckled.
"Two days ago. We kinda had.."

"Had what?" Ayesha asked raising an eyebrow.

"Sex." Hazel said, pointing to the scattered hickies on my neck.

"Makeup sex." I blushed.

They both gasped with wide smiles.


"And you didn't tell us!?"

"I'm sorry, I was just enjoying spending time with him. My bad." I smiled.

"I'm happy you guys made up. Y'all are cute together."

"What about Paul?" Ayesha asked.

I shrugged.
"He's my friend. That's all."


"So!" Draymond yelled obnoxiously in Klay's ear as we all sat at the lunch table.

"What Dray damn?" Klay sighed, focusing on an important PubG match on his phone.

He chuckled.
"My 'rents are out for the weekend. Let's have a sleepover."

Everyone looked at each other before Paul spoke up.

"Sleepover? We aren't 12."

"Ahaha dumbass, think of it as an adult sleepover. Alcohol, music, unless y'all can be sober enough to drive back, then yeah, sleepover."

"I'm down." Hazel smiled, linking arms with Dray.

"Me too." I smiled, "Sounds like fun. I haven't hung out with you guys in a while."

"If she's in then I am." Kyrie smiled, kissing my cheek.

Everyone else unanimously agreed. Parties at Dray's house was amazing, and I need to let loose with all the upcoming events. Prom...spring break...finals...graduation.., I've spent countless nights just thinking everything over.


My thoughts were broken by Ayesha walking up to me.
"What's up?"

"Can we talk?" She asked, nervously pulling at her oversized sweater.

I nodded and stood up as we walked towards the hall.
"What's going on? Why are you so anxious?"

"I'm sorry!"

I chuckled at her nervous outburst.

"The last time we saw each other. I said some nasty things and I could've worded everything better. I was rude, and-"

I cut her off by hugging her. Ayesha was to sweet for her own good.
"Thank you for doing that. You were right, I was wrong. You made me see how stupid I was acting. You're the reason me and Ky are back together now."

She smiled and hugged back.
"I still shouldn't have worded what I said like that."

"I'm happy you did. You're the one I can count on for calling me out on my shit and I love that about you. Never change Ish."

"Thank you. So we're good?"

"How could I not be good with my bestie? Come here."

She chuckled as we hugged again and walked back to the table. After my heart to heart, the day seemed to drag on. Classes went by quickly and finally it was the end of the day. I walked back to my locker after the final bell rang and the halls began to clear. My phone began to ring and I looked down seeing it was Kyrie.


"Hey, I'm by the car, do you want me to wait or do you want me to come inside?"

"Uh, just wait, I'm leaving now."

"Okay, also, is it cool if Dani comes to the party?"

"Uh, sure, I don't have a problem with her."

"Okay, I'll see you when you come out."

"See you then."

I grabbed my bag, put my books in, and headed out to the parking lot when a hand stopped me. I looked up and rolled my eyes.
"What do you want?"

"You're a lot nicer than I am." Kayla scoffed with a smirk on her face.

"What are you talking about?"

"I mean, allowing your boyfriends ex to come on your friends excursion. I would never."

"First of all, it's an open invite party to anyone who isn't you and what ex?"

"Well Daniella of course." She shrugged innocently, before turning to see my confused face. "Oh, sorry..did you not know?"

"They're ex's?"

She nodded.
"Yeah. They dated for about a year." She chuckled. "He was lovesick over her. Even when we were together, all he would tell me is how she was his first love..I don't think he ever got over her."

I furrowed my eyebrows, wondering why I didn't know any of this and now wondering why he was so close with his 'ex'?

She chuckled.
"You look lost, so let me catch you up. I overheard Daniella the other day-"

"Wait I thought you guys were friends?"

"Why would I be friends with someone who tried to steal my boyfriend? She's always been obsessed with Kyrie, so watch out, I've seen them talking recently. They hung out all spring break apparently."

"I'll be on the lookout." I said, sarcastically before turning to walk out.

"Oh! One more thing!"

I turned to her and rolled my eyes.

"Did you ever find who leaked the video? Because I'm sure the girl you just invited knows exactly where it came from."

"Why would she-"

"Me, her, and Kyrie are the only ones who know about that video. She's the only one who has access to my icloud. How would anyone else get the fucking video?"

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