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ix. Regret and Apologies

"I'm leaving." I sighed, grabbing a banana before walking towards the front door.

"Jas'mariee, sit down please." My mom asked.

"I'm going to be late-"

"Sit! Now." My dad said sternly, motioning towards a seat at the breakfast table.

I rolled my eyes and sat down, peeling my banana.

"Now you owe me and your mother an apology for that attitude yesterday."

I scoffed.
"I'm owed an apology. You guys promised me that you'd be around more before the school year started and then look, you guys are gone for two weeks. It's my senior year and I need you guys."

"You're getting to the point where your old enough to understand what we do and what comes with it."

I rolled my eyes. I'd understood perfectly.

"Sigue rodando esos ojos y se van a atascar allí." My mom mumbled.

I sighed.
"I need communication. That's all I'm asking for."

"And I apologize for earlier this month. It was last minute..there were some complications.."

I heard a horn honk outside of my house and my phone buzz.
"I'm sorry for the attitude yesterday but I have to go. Ayesha is outside waiting for me."


"I'm going to be late daddy." I kissed his cheek and my moms before rushing out of the house.

- - - - - - - - - - -

"You what!?" Ayesha whisper-yelled, as me, her, and Hazel sat together in the cafeteria.

I shrugged and bit into my apple.
"I can't do it. My temper is short, he's an asshole. That's like an equation for a nuclear bomb to go off."

"Girl. You've already told Asia that you'd fuck him. You told Klay that you'd move on with him and did you see their reactions! Almost as sad as yours was. I say stick with it."

Ayesha nodded in agreement.
"Yeah, plus, you seem like you could use a distraction."

I rolled my eyes, looking across the cafeteria to see Kyrie..looking back at me. I quickly looked away, knowing that he was smirking behind me.
"It's to late. He already agreed to do separate papers."

"Then ask him to forgive you and become partners again." Hazel said nonchalantly as if it was an easy thing to do.

"I'll think about it." I shrugged yet again.

"What's up ladies! Grumpy lady." Draymond said, sitting down next to us and referring to me as 'grumpy'.

I stuck my tongue out at him before taking another bite of my apple as Steph sat down.
"What's up Haz. Jas. And hello to you beautiful." He smiled, kissing Ayesha.

She smiled and blushed, quickly pulling away. She hated public PDA with Steph, she was so adorable.

Steph turned to me.
"By the way. Klay and Asia are on their way in."

I nodded and threw my stuff away.
"That's my cue. Bye guys."

They all said a quick bye as I grabbed my stuff and headed to the library, avoiding those two bitches.

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