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xliii. Game Day

 Game Day

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"I'm DTB for life, no, I can't trust my bitches
I can't even trust my girl 'cause I'm a fucked up nigga"

I turned my car off as I pulled into the Mitchell Hill high school. I got out just as LeBron pulled up with Kevin and Tristan. They smiled as I walked over and dapped them up as they got out.

"Wassup big fella!" LeBron smiled as he locked his doors.

I shrugged, holding my bag up.
"Nothing much. Ready to win this championship."

"We all are, this would be ultimate prize of senior year. Fuck graduating, this would be my accomplishment." Kevin said.

Tristan chuckled.
"Y'all know if coach is here yet?"

"He's always here early." I sighed, walking through the side door to the opponent locker room.

As we walked in, we noticed a couple of other players  there, but I noticed some of the main squad still wasn't here. We all went to our individual lockers and put everything up when coach came out to greet us.
"Y'all ready for tonight?"

Everyone slightly nodded with a murmur of yes's.

He blew his whistle and got a bit louder.
"I said are y'all ready for tonight!"

"Yes sir!" Everyone shouted.

"Alright, when the rest of your teammates get here, we're doing drills. And let them know whoever is late is getting benched. End of sentence."

We all nodded, getting into practice gear when Steph, Klay, and Draymond rushed in. They all pushed past each other to get to a locker and set up.
Dray got one on the opposite end, Klay got one by the entrance, and Steph got one next to me. I raised an eyebrow and turned to him.
"What's up?"

He shrugged with a smile.
"Nothing much, you ready?"

I nodded.
"Always ready Curry, how about you?"


"What's up with Dray and Klay?" I asked, motioning to them.

He sighed.
"Just a stupid argument because Klay made us late."

I nodded, as LeBron and the rest of the guys stood up.
"I'll see you in there."

He nodded, as I walked into the gym.
"Did coach release the starting lineup?"

"Not to us. Guess we'll see after drills." I shrugged.


"We're going to be late Jas." Hazel sang, as I ran back into my house.

"I just have to grab my phone, I'll be quick."

We were late getting to Ayesha's and I was not helping that fact. I ran in, grabbed my phone off of the kitchen counter, and ran back out. As soon as I walked outside, I saw Paul's car pull up. I furrowed my eyebrows and turned to Hazel who just shrugged, looking as confused as I was. Paul parked and walked out as I rolled my eyes.
"No, I'm late getting somewhere Paul, I don't have time."

"I don't have time either, Coach is going to kill me if I'm late to practice, but I haven't been able to focus recently and I think it's because of you-"

"What does that have to do with m-"

"I just wanted to apologize Jas."

"You already have."

"You kind of stormed away which is a reaction that I can understand from the situation, but I really never meant to hurt you. You were just..such a great person, there was no one else I paid attention to. You were special to me, and I got selfish and stopped thinking about your feelings-"

"That's great Paul, I'm so sorry, I have to go, You do to, you have a game to get to." I said, getting into Hazel's car.

"What was that about?" She asked.

I shrugged and put my seatbelt on,


"Come on guys, Steph is blowing me up!" Ayesha yelled as me and Hazel put the finishing touches on our makeup.

"Does she know even if we leave 30 minutes later, we'll still get there early?" Hazel sighed.

I chuckled.
"They have to get a quickie in."

Hazel gasped and smacked my chest playfully.
"Don't put that sin and Ayesha in the same sentence."

I smiled and stood up, content with my outfit.
"This look fine?"

Hazel nodded, standing up as well.
"Yes, Kyrie won't be able to look away."

I rolled my eyes and grabbed my phone.
"Come on before she blows a blood vessel."

She smiled and followed me downstairs. We were met with an impatient Ayesha.
"Finally, lets go girls."

We followed her out to Hazel's car, and we were soon on our way to the game.

Frenemy; Kyrie Irving {au}Where stories live. Discover now