Back Underground

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My vision was foggy and watery from all the smoke. A boy stood in front of me, holding hand out to help me off the dusty ground.

Screams echoed from the bar that was set on fire by a crazed lunatic. He came out holding a gun in one hand and the owner of the bar in the other. The man laughed at the entertainment he was getting from terrorizing others.

I took the boy's hand and ran with him. We hid in an alley way.

I knew Father would be looking for me once he heard the gunshots.

"I need to go home," I told the kid.

"You'll be killed instantly." He sat me down against the wall. "Stay here for now."

He peaked his head around the corner as dozens of other civilians sprinted away from the bar. The boy was a little pale but looked healthy.

Someone grabed my bicep and pulled me away. My scream got the boy's attention and he went to attack the hostile person.

I spotted familiar (h/c) hair and stopped him from hurting the woman.

"Mom!" I hugged her tightly. I should've known from her feminine hand that she was the one grabbing me.

The crazed man laughed hysterically in the middle of the pathway.

Mom took me away, leading me back to the house as the guy followed us. When we reached home, he paused in his tracks then turned around and ran in a different direction. I followed him.

"(Y/n), come back here!" mom shouted.

I didn't listen. I was curious to see who this boy was.

When I turned the corner the insane man tripped me. Mud covered my cheeks, my nose a hue of red from landing on it. My mother hit the man on the back of his head with one of her own guns. She cocked it as she pulled me to my feet and ran me back to the house. She kept her finger on the trigger in case anyone else wanted to mess with her and her daughter.

I never found out who that boy was that saved me. It was like he disappeared to dust after our meeting.

But since I was young, I soon forgot about him and carried on with my childish games. I would remember him but only in quick glimpses. Never would I have imagined he'd be my future, my everything, now.

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