Chapter Twenty-One: Spot Conlon

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      I headed back to my old house with Anthony and stared at the wall of pictures. It's been a few weeks since Anthony had gotten in the car crash and he's already been discharged. From what I've heard from Melissa, he's still going through physical therapy but he's recovering well. 

     I however, haven't gotten over what he and Amelia had said. I know I was a jerk in the past, and I'm not proud of it, and I know I will never be able to fix what I did but I've changed and I won't stop trying to get him back.

     I looked over at the picture of Anthony on my wall. I feel so empty without him. I mean, they say people's smiles can light up the world but, they've never seen his. His smile could light the world on fire. 

      Then, it dawned on me. 

       I got up from my bed and ran to the bathroom to brush my hair for the first time in I have no clue how long, I grabbed my keys and ran to my car. Maybe I can't change the past but I can make things better. I can make Anthony realize I won't leave him and that I'm reliable and let Amelia know the same thing so she won't keep warning Anthony about me. 

       I got in the car, put on my seatbelt, and started driving until I finally got to Amelia and Corey's house. I leap out of the car and head to the front door before knocking. 

       A few seconds later, Amelia opens the door.

      She sighs, "Sean, Anthony's not here, and if he was, I don't think he's in the mood to talk."

        "I'm not looking for Anthony. I'm looking for my son."

        She narrows her eyes and steps outside, shutting the door behind her. "What?"

         "I want to get to know him. He's my kid and I deserve to get to know him," I say. Amelia is  about ready to protest but I cut her off and continue making my point, "And I know I have a lot of years to gain back but I don't think it's too late. He's still young and I want to be there for him."

          "Sean, I don't know. I don't want you coming into his life and then disappearing one day. I'm not letting you do what you did to me to him."

           "Amelia, I had no clue he was even my kid for three years!" I start and sigh, trying to think through my words before they come plowing out of my mouth and I dig an even deeper hole for myself. "Look, I'm not mad you didn't tell me. I get it. You were scared and I didn't stay long enough to make it seem like I was capable of taking care of a kid, but I assure you, I'll be there for him. Please just give me a chance. I'm not asking for him to come move in with me or part-time custody or something, just let me bring him for ice cream or something."

          She looked away, "Sean...I need to think about all of this."

          "He doesn't even have to call me dad or anything. I can stay as Uncle Spot or whatever you want if that will make you feel better, just let me be there for him."

           She gulps and closes her eyes for a second before looking back at me. "Are you sure about this? I don't want you to build a bond with him and then end it."

           "I promise I will be there for him, no matter what."

            She lets out a breath and nods, "Okay. Fine."

            "Really?" I ask, a smile spreading across my face.

           She nods with a wavering smile on her face.

          "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I hug her and then pull myself out of the hug. "Can I go see him?"

           "Sure," She says opening the front door, "He's playing with his toys in his room."

            I nod and follow her inside before making my way down to Elliott's room. I looked around the room a bit. Gosh, it's been so long since I've been here.

          "Uncle Spot!" He says as he throws his toys on the floor and runs over to me. 

         "Hey, buddy!" I smile as I pick him up and hug him. 

          "I missed you!" He says, resting his head on my shoulder.

        "I've missed you too, kiddo," I reply, running my hand through his dark curly hair. I smiled a bit to myself. I can't believe this little guy is really mine. 

          "Do you wanna play with me?" He asked pulling away to look at me, his light eyes glistening.

           "Sure!" I nod and put him down on the floor. I take a seat and he does the same. "What are we playing with?"

            "Dinosaurs!" He grins. "You can have the big one!"

            "No way! I think you should have the big one," I smile back at him. I know it's probably selfish for me to admit it but Elliott is the cutest thing.

             "It's okay. I wanna play with my little green dinosaur. Mommy made him a bowtie, see?" Elliott grins, holding it up to me.

              I chuckle, "He looks very handsome."

             "Why thank you, Uncle Spottie," Elliott says in a deep voice, giving the dinosaur its own voice. 

             "Who's my dinosaur?"

              "You're the dad dinosaur and my dinosaur is the baby dinosaur," Elliott says before playing with his dinosaur.

             I nod and grab my dinosaur and begin playing with him. I had to have played dinosaurs with him for quite a long time because by the time I was ready to leave I had a permanent carpet tattoo engraved in my arm. 

            I gave Elliott a hug, thanked Amelia for letting me see him, then headed home. Sure I may not have the perfect bond with Elliott for him being my son, but I'll get there soon and even if I don't change Anthony's mind, at least I'll have Elliott.

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