Chapter Nine: Amelia Harper

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    The past few weeks have been rather interesting. Anthony has been sleeping in the spare room for a little over a week and I'm still not used to seeing him. This has all been pretty hard on him. He's deleted all of his photos with Sean and has even been ignoring all of Sean's texts. Corey has constantly been telling me that I was too hard on him. Maybe shoving Spot through the dirt was a little harsh but after what he's done, it's hard to feel sorry for him.

     I wiped down the counters as Anthony walked into the kitchen. I glanced at the clock and realized it was already 12. Gosh, how I envied the amount of sleep Anthony gets. I haven't slept for longer than six hours since high school. I put the rag down and turned around to face Anthony as he slid into a chair at the kitchen table. "Good morning."

    "Morning," He replied through a yawn. He rubbed his eyes. For the first time, I realized how red his eyes were.

    "Are you alright?"

    "Yeah. Better than I was before. At least now I know I'm not dating a liar."

    Corey was in the corner of the room, trying to prepare a snack for Elliott. He took out a knife and began slicing an apple, stopping when he heard Anthony's reply. He let out a sigh then put the knife down, "Don't talk like that. I'm sure he thought very fondly of you. He didn't do anything do you, he just did some really bad things to other people."

    "How do we know that? He's hid all of this from me, who knows what else he was hiding. For all I know, he could be married and have seven children."

   "Well, I'd bet my house on the fact he doesn't and he's certainly not married to anyone. He loves you. More than you know," Corey replied.

  "Yeah right," Anthony muttered. "He doesn't love anyone but himself. He didn't even go to his son after he found out about him. He a selfish jerk and I don't want anything to do with him!"

   Corey sighed, "Okay." He turned back to his apple and continued cutting.

    I was still focused on Anthony. He seemed so stressed out by the whole Spot situation. It's been tearing all of his energy out of him. My thoughts quickly were interrupted by a ding across the room. Anthony pulled his phone out as he began typing rapidly. He chuckled quietly then put his phone away.

    "Someone's happy," I grinned. His face went bright red as he looked away from me.


    "So...?" I questioned as I crossed my arms and leaned against the counter.


   "Oh, come on Anthony! Tell me!" I grinned as I pulled myself onto the counter.

    "Well...I was bored last night so I downloaded Matcher. I was mainly just trying to find someone to talk to but I got really lucky. A guy named Scott was paired with me. We were up talking till five in the morning. And..." he grinned then turned toward me, "We have date planned Friday night!"

    "Oh my goodness! Congratulations!" I grinned brightly and ran over to hug him. I was happy to see him so giddy again. Corey gave Anthony a soft smile and a congratulations before he headed out of the room to give Elliott his apple.

     "Oh and he's a teacher at an elementary school. He's just so so sweet!" He smiled brightly then smirked, "and really romantic!"

    I chuckled softly, "Well that's everything you need."

    He nodded, smiling brighter than the sun.

    "Have you guys called yet?"

    "Nope. We're waiting to hear each other in person. For now, we are just texting. I just can't wait another hour. I want to meet him so bad!"

   I smiled, "You don't have too long to wait. Just two days."

    "Two days too long. Gosh! He could be my Corey! I could be married like you guys. Happy without lies."

    "Maybe he will be the one."

    "Gosh, I hope."

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