Chapter Thirty-One: Spot Conlon

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      My alarm goes off and I quickly turn to turn it off. I let out a sigh. Gosh, I hate going to work. It's so overrated.

"Good morning, Handsome," A voice sounds next to me.

My heart skips a beat as I turn over to see it's the guy from the bar. Oh my gosh. Am I dreaming?

"Good morning," I reply, my face growing warm.

         He smiles, "Do you have time to eat?"

        "You can cook too?!" I say, smiling.

       He laughs, "Barely, simple stuff yeah."

       I laugh, "Fair, me too."

       He gets up from the bed and quickly gets dressed. "Do you like eggs?"

      "Do some people not...?"

       He chuckles, "handsome and funny. Wow."

       I feel my face grow warmer. My lord, this guy.

       I get up from the bed and get dressed as well before we both head to the kitchen. We freestyle some eggs and laugh the whole way through. We finish making the food before sitting at the table and talking as we ate. I can't even recall feeling happy, let alone this happy. For so long, I was miserable. My whole world used to crumble more and more every day. Anthony was always on my mind. Anthony was my world, he was my everything. He doesn't feel the same though. It was one sided. I was alone but in a relationship. It's like dating someone through a wall. This though. This is free. This is...something I never would have done sober.

     We eat and he gets up to do the dishes after wars. This man is hot, flirts, does the dishes, cooks, and has a good-paying job, the guy is flawless.

     "You don't have to do the dishes," I say, getting up from the table and walking over to the sink.

    "Nonsense," he replies, "I can't just use your dishes and not clean them. Plus, I don't mind it."

    "At least let me help you," I reply, walking over and taking the dishes he's already cleaned and dry them. I then put them in the cabinet.

    After a while of talking, we finish doing the dishes and we both realize we have to head to work.

    "When will I see you again?" I ask.

   "How about tomorrow?" He smiles, "We can go to that little Italian restaurant off of 5th."

    "Sounds like a plan, handsome," I smile.

     Just as he's about to leave, we lean in for a kiss. A KISS! Look I get it, I'm not in high school. It's a kiss isn't a big deal but I practically kissed America's hottest man. That's an achievement.

    After a few seconds, he pulls away, smiling. "I'll see you later, handsome."

     I nod, "I'll see you later."

     He walks away and I shut the door. I lean against it, my heart pounding. I feel like a little kid. This man is insane!

     After a few minutes of getting ready, I head out and straight to work. I walk into the building, a huge grin plastered across my face. I can't help it. I feel giddy.

As I walk in, I immediately get greeted by Davey. "Someone is in a great mood," he smiles.

"I most certainly am," I smile ear to ear. My heart is still fluttering from when he kissed me.

" can't just leave me hanging," he says as we walk.

"I just kissed a really cute boy. Like really really cute," I smile.

"No way! You guys got back together?!"

I shake my head, "No, not him! He still wants to tear my head off. It's a different guy. A really hot one with the most stunning dirty blonde hair and gorgeous green eyes."

"Really? That's great, Sean!" He nudges my arm. "What's his name? How'd you meet?"

I laugh softly at his enthusiasm. "His name's Zeke. We met at the bar last night."

"Uh oh, the bar?"

"Yeah. He doesn't seem weird or anything though. He's actually a really really great guy. He spent the night and-"

"Woah, back up. He spent the night?"


"Well you guys accelerated that pretty quick."

"If you had him, you would too. And if you were gay but that's besides the point. He's perfect! I swear! He spent the night, and he made breakfast and he did the dishes, OH! And he likes Italian food!"

Davey laughs, "That's always a plus, I suppose."

"Most definitely," I nod.

"Sooo do you have his number and everything?"

"I uh...don't have his number."

      "Sean!" Davey mutters. "How do you invite a guy over for the night and not get his number?"

     "I-I don't know!"

      Davey sighs, "Do you know his last name? Maybe you can find his on Facebook or something?"

      "Mm, I don't think he's the Facebook kind."

      "You don't have that either, huh?"


       Davey signs, "Oh boy."

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