Chapter Six: Amelia Harper

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     After multiple people in the circle tried to change the subject, Race was still determined to prove his point. He wanted to show that he was perfect for the role. He started stating all the reasons as to why he'd be great reporter. All were rather weak points. He even started going through his Instagram account. He made of his points that he looked good in a suit.

     Eventually I got sick of his nonsense and decided to interject. "You know they don't pick reporters based on looks, right?"

     "Well, it's still a very important thing. Why would they want someone who looks bad in a suit?" He questioned causing me to roll my eyes. Sometimes I can't believe the words that come out of his mouth. He is just so unpredictable.

     "Whatever you say..." I replied and yawned.

     "Where was I?" Race questioned.

     "I'm praying the end," Kat muttered. She laid her head on Crutchie shoulder, causing him to smile.

     "Oh yeah! I was just about to tell you about how my height will help. I'll fit the frame bet-" Race started before Spot interjected.

     "You're not going to be hired for your height! THEY DON'T CARE!" Spot responded angrily. Everyone knew that comment was directed at Spot. We love to make short jokes just to see how angry it will make him. Clearly, it's not a very hard thing to do.

     "Mhm. Keep telling yourself that. Anyways, did you hear about that new restaurant in Manhattan? It's supposed to be like a buffet but restaurant style."

    "What?" Davey questioned, "All restaurants give you a variety, Race."

     "No! I mean they have so much food it's like your at a buffet. Their menu is like a chapter book," Race replied.

     "How do they have the time to cook all that food?" Maggie asked.

     "I don't know," Davey replied. "Is that so called restaurant even real?"

     "Yes! It's brand new! It's called 'The Hunt'"

     Kat sighed, "I hate to break it to ya but that isn't a real restaurant. It was rumor some kid from the Bronx made up and when that old McDonalds got sold, they said it was going there. It's fake. There's no way a restaurant with so much stuff would fit into a McDonalds."

     "I don't believe you," Race replied and crossed his arms.

     "You don't have to now. You'll realize it on your own when you can't go and eat there." Kat yawned quietly. Race looked away from and towards a tree, trying to prove his point. Spot pulled out his phone to try in google the restaurant.

     "She's right, Anthony," Spot replied.

     "Shut up," Race angrily murmured as he sank down deeper into his chair. Kat laughed quietly to herself. A bus sounded across the chairs, and Davey fished for his phone he looked down at the screen and looked back up.

     "I'm sorry. I have to take this real quick. Boss is calling," He patted Jessica's leg then stood up and walked to the front of the house. Race turned his head over to him and tried to get up. Spot didn't let him and shoved him back down into his chair.

     "But I wanna see if he mentions me!" Race pouted and curled up in the chair.

     "No, sit down and leave him alone. You'll find out soon enough," Spot replied and sighed. Race let out an angry moan as he dug his head into his arms. Spot shook his head.

    "I'm still going!" Race responded as he flailed his arms and tried getting up.

    "Oh! Let's listen to some P!nk songs!" Corey grinned as he grabbed the radio and hooked his phone up to the song 'So What'.

     "Yay! Okay!" Race sat back down and hugged Spot's arm. Corey was always really good at distracting people. I guess that's what happens when you live with a toddler.

     "Oh! Elliott! I'll be back. I have to wake him up from his nap," I stood up, "And grab the smores!"

     I smiled brightly back at the group and stood up. I looked up at the stars, admiring them as I crossed the yard to the sliding glass door. I then began my way to my son Elliott's room. Usually, he didn't nap but whenever you mention that company is over, he tries his best to stay up till they leave. He hoped that if he napped he'd have more energy. Sometimes it worked, but he was always cranky, just like his father. His father was not fun to be around when he's angry. I took a deep breath then slowly opened his bedroom door. I hated trying to wake him up, especially when he was sleeping so peacefully but he didn't see everyone that often.

    "Elliott, they're here," I stated, sitting down on the edge of his bed. He rolled over onto his back and rubbed his eyes. He sat up and let out a quiet yawn.

   "Really?" He smiled softly, hugging his teddy bear, who he named Bubbles. I nodded as I scooped him up. He rubbed his eyes again as we walked out to the backyard.

    "There's my little monster!" Corey chuckled, smiling softly.

    I couldn't be anymore grateful for the life I had. I have amazing friends, an amazing family, an amazing house, an amazing job. I can't possibly need or want anything more than all the things I have been blessed with. This day was like a movie. All together with the people I loved. Yet part of me felt like something was going to go wrong.

     Never did I know that my life was going to change Forever.

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