Chapter Thirty-Six: Amelia Harper

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            I walk over to the living room and see Elliott happily sitting on the couch, coloring in a notepad.

            I smile softly over at him. "Hey Eli, can you please go make sure your room's clean?"

           "Okay," he says, putting down the notebook and heading to his bedroom.

           Corey moves to the side, allowing Elliott to pass. He smiles brightly over at him, "Good job, kiddo."

           I smile brightly over at the two of them as Elliott smiles and walks to his room.

          This whole pregnancy has felt so weird. I mean, I've always wanted more kids, sure. It's just odd that it's really happening. In a few months, I'm going to have two kids. It's crazy.

        It's also so bizarre to think this baby is technically Corey and I's first kid together. It doesn't feel like it most of the time.

       When I found out about Elliott, I was scared. I didn't trust Spot enough to rely on him so I turned to Corey. Just as someone to talk to. He did way more than that. He helped me through the pregnancy and even helped raise Elliott. He treats him as his own, which is more than I could have ever asked for from him. I am so lucky that I have Corey.

        Now, we're having our first child together. It's exciting and I'm so grateful for him. He's pulled me out of so many dark times. He's literally an angel here on earth.

       "When did he get those dinosaur overalls?" Corey asks, smiling over at me.

       "They just came it. I opened the package and put it on him almost right away. I couldn't resist. They're so cute!"

        He laughs, "They really are."

        They're light blue with a huge green dinosaur on the front. It has cute little pink cheeks and a glisten in its eyes. Elliott looks adorable in it.

       "Are you ready for the appointment?"

       I shrug. "Yeah. I'm a little freaked though. It's been a while and you know I'm not great with doctors."

       "I promise you it won't be that bad. I mean, you did great when it came to all the appointments with Elliott," he smiles.

       I smile brightly. I still can't believe I landed him.

       "I hope you're right."

      "I promise," he says softly before walking over to me. He gently presses his lips against mine. Despite the fact we've been together for a long time now, my heart still flutters every time he kisses me.

         "Good," I say softly.

        He looks across the kitchen and sees a pot of mac and cheese on the stove. "Woah, you made food without burning down the house?"

      "Shut up," I laugh.

      "No way! This is a monumental moment in history, Amelia. I don't think you understand the gravity of this situation," he teases, a huge grin plastered across his face as he walks over to the pot.

        "You're so annoying, Corey," I grin.

        "What?" he says, dragging the word out.

        I laugh, looking over at the pot. "Speaking of my mac and cheese, I want more. Excuse me, I need a bowl."

       He quickly turns behind him and grabs a bowl, handing it to me.

       "Thank you, kind sir."

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