Chapter Twenty-Six: Anthony Higgins

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      I walk into Pulitzer's office, frustration running over me. On top of being stuck in here with Sean, I didn't get to finish my lunch, granted cafeteria food isn't that great anyway. 

       "Take a seat, boys. I want to discuss your new project," Pulitzer says, sitting down at his desk. 

       We take a seat at the chairs in front of the desk, and I sigh.

       "Hey," Spot mutters, smiling softly.

        I look forward at Pulitzer, only seeing Sean in the corner of my eye, "Hi."

         The room is quickly filled with the smell of his cologne. He's really into his self-image, a little too much. I used to like the smell but now it's just too strong. It's like something you'd get in a set from your grandma as a preteen. It's gross.

         "Anyways, I want you guys to begin working on your new project today. I'm aware you both had projects you individually were working on, but those will be going to Jessica, Morris, and Oscar so you can put your full undivided attention on this project."

      "Fantastic," I reply, obviously not really meaning it, but Mr. Desperate didn't take it that way.

       "I completely agree," He adds, looking over at me.

       "Glad you both agree," Pulitzer smiles, "Either way, I wanted to call you here to discuss your relationship."

       "I don't need dating advice from my boss," I cross my arms. 

       "I'm not trying to get you two together, Mr. Higgins. That would be very unprofessional," He narrows his eyebrows.

        "I apologize for my outburst, Mr. Pulitzer. I misinterpreted your comment," I say, my face warm. I'm stupid.

      "I'll dismiss it," he says, "However, I do believe you two need to spend more one-on-one time together. I'm not saying it needs to be now, but you need to get closer before next week. I'm giving you next week to brainstorm your topic for our new section, and I suggest you two meet up outside of work."

        "Of course, Mr. Pulitzer," Spot nods. 

        Ugh! I'm going to explode! Why does he always get what he wants?!

        "Mhm," I add. 

        "Glad to hear. Mr. Conlon, you are dismissed. Mr. Higgins, a word?"

        I gulp and watch Spot get up and leave the room. I'm gonna kill that man, I swear.

        "I'm incredibly sorry for my comment earlier," I sigh, "I should have never said that."

        "Mr. Higgins, we're beyond that. I called you back to talk about your behavior towards Mr. Conlon. Look, I don't know what happened between you, nor do I care, but if you want to succeed in this company, you need to step it up. I need you and Mr. Conlon to act like you're close, even if you're not. I'm not going to watch this idea fall apart because you two can't put on your big boy pants and get along."

       "Yes sir. I completely agree," I reply.

       "You are dismissed," He nods before turning towards the doorway, "Come in, Jacobs."

        "Thank you, Mr. Pulitzer," I sigh and head out of the office and back to the cafeteria. 

        "What happened in there?" Jessica asks before eating her salad again.

        "My worst nightmare."

        "Awh come on, Anthony," She sighs, "What'd he say?"

        "He just talked about the new jobs and said I need to hang out with Spot more so that our section of the article doesn't turn out bad."

        "That's not that bad."

       "Not that bad?! I need to hang out with my ex!"

       "Well, maybe that's just what you needed. You guys can't just hate each other until you die."

       "Yes I can," I mutter. "This is terrible."

       "No it's not," She says mixing her salad.

        "You and your brothers have to take on our old projects on top of your own work," I say quickly.

        "This is terrible!" She mutters. 

         "See," I reply, getting up. "I should probably get back to work."

         "Have fun," She mutters. "Wait, are you still going to Amelia and Corey's later tonight?" 

          "Yeah, I don't miss free food," I laugh.

          She laughs, "Do you need Davey and I to pick you up?"

           "I think Mel's going to drop me off. She's heading that way to see a friend for dinner tonight anyway, but thanks."

          She nods, "No problem."

          I say goodbye to Jessica then head to my desk and begin researching some ideas for the new section of the newspaper. This is going to be torture.

        After spending hours looking for new topics, the day was finally over. I grab my stuff and then head outside to the car where Melissa is waiting for me. 

        "Thanks for picking me up," I say, getting in the car. 

        "No problem," She smiles softly, beginning to drive. "How was work?"

       I sigh and tell her everything that happened. Look, I love Melissa, but she is completely wrapped up in the idea of me getting back with Sean and I hate it so I take everything she says with a grain of salt.

        "Maybe you could give him a shot to explain it all," She says, hopeful.

        "I'm good," I say looking out the window. "Oh my gosh, Mel!"

        "What?" She asks, distracted by the radio.

         "The apartment building is on fire!" 

         She quickly looks up and her eyes go wide as she notices the giant fire engulfing our apartment building. She quickly pulls into the parking lot and parks. We quickly get out of the car and run over to Beverly and Albert, the fire roaring, ashes flooding the air. 

         I quickly hug my sister, glad she's okay, "What happened?"

        "A pipe bursted on the other side of the building and a few floors below us and I guess the water made contact with a few wires and the fire started," She says, sighing and tucking her blonde hair behind her ear. 

         Seconds later, fire trucks come pulling into the parking lot, dozens of men pilling out of the truck and quicking beginning to deal with the situation, others running into the building to make sure everyone made it out safely.

         Albert sighs, watching the men, "Well it's safe to say we aren't going to be able to stay here tonight."

         I sigh, watching the firemen and looking up at the fire. Is the world ever going to stop adding gasoline to my dumpster fire of a life? 

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