Chapter Twenty-Five: David Jacobs and Jessica Delancey

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David Jacobs
     I grab my lunch and head down to the little cafeteria in our building. I could just buy food there but I can't stand cafeteria food. It's disgusting.

     My girlfriend Jessica and I have also started a diet and cafeteria food really isn't the best for that. We're going completely vegan for a while. It should be interesting.

     I smile softly as Spot happily comes over to my table.

    "Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! You're aren't gonna believe this," he grins and happily takes a seat.

    "Did you make a move?" I ask, opening my salad.

    "Well yes but that part didn't go well."

    "I'm sorry."

    "No, don't be sorry!" He smiles brightly, "old man Pulitzer waved around some little matchmaking pixie dust and now we're partnered together for a project."

    "Really?" I smile.

    "Mhm! I guess he got a raise and his first assignment was to work with the one and only, absolutely amazing and perfect, me."

     I laugh, "that's great."

     "I know!" He smiled even brighter. "I mean, these past few nights have been torture but now things are finally going right! I feel like the world is finally lighting up!"

    "That's amazing, Sean," I smile softly.

     He nods and begins to eat.

Jessica Delancey

      I sit down at the table with my lunchbox and slowly begin pulling everything out. I smile softly when I notice a little I love you Post-It note on the container in Davey's handwriting. I got really lucky with that boy, I'm telling you.

     Usually, I'd be eating with him but he was asked to eat with Sean and I was asked by Race to eat with him and well, we all know them sitting together does NOT go well.

     "I hate my life," Race says, plopping down at the seat across from me.

    "Whats wrong?"

    "I got a promotion," Race says before shoving his face with food. If I've learned about Race is that the guy stress eats. Sometimes I'll come home and my pantry will be empty because he snuck in there while I was gone.

    "That's great!" I smile, trying to figure out what's bothering him.

    "No! That's not great!" He snaps.

    "What do you mean?"

    "I have to work with Sean for my first project back," he moans.

    "Come on! I'm sure it won't be that bad."

    "You're right! It will be beyond bad. Terrible,"

    "Stop being so negative. This is all for more money, right? At least you'll be getting paid," I explain, beginning to eat my food.

    "Not all the money in the world could make this situation somewhat decent. This is a mess," he sighed.

    "It'll be fine. Relax," I reply.

    He sighed and continued eating his food.

    "Higgins! Conlon! Come!" Pulitzer said coming into the cafeteria.

    Race lets out a loud moan, "Fantastic!"

   "Relax," I say as he walks off.

    "Relax," he mimics before walking over to Pulitzer.

    Spot gets up from the table with Davey and walks off.

    Davey lets out a breath and walks over to my table and pulls the chair next to me. He gently pressed a kiss on my cheek and smiled.

   "Hi love," he smiles.

   "Hi lovey," I reply happily. "What did Sean have to say?"

   "He made a move on Race and it didn't go well but now they're working on a project together," he says before taking a bite of his food.

   "Wait he actually made a move?"

   "He sure did. Did Race leave that out?" Davey asked, covering his mouth as he spoke before taking another bite.

    "Yeah. He was too busy complaining about the new project. I mean, I'd love a promotion. I'd deal with my ex if it meant I'd get more money," I reply.

   "You would talk to your ex?"

   "Yeah and tell him he's nothing compared to you," I laugh.

    He smiles, "Shut up."

    I laugh, "but do you think they're ever going to get back together?"

    "I don't know," he sighs. "I'd love to think they will. I mean, we all know they love each other but it's just so complicated. There are so many emotions in the air. This all could go so many different ways so I don't know. Hopefully, they will get back together."

    I nod and stir my food before an idea comes to my head. "Wait."


    "What if we tried to get them together? We can keep doing lunches with them and then talk about the other person. You talk about Race, and I talk about Sean. We'll see what we can do to try and get them to fall for each other again. Maybe we could talk about our relationship too. Make them miss being in one themselves. Maybe we can get them back together."

   "But what if it doesn't work?"

   "What if it does?" I grin.

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