Chapter Thirty: Spot Conlon

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        I sit down at my kitchen counter letting out a heavy breath. I made the decision not to check my phone for at least an hour minutes after I sent the text. It was miserable but at least my house is clean.

       I open Instagram and go straight to my messages with Anthony and see that I have been left on read.

     I quickly grab my keys and head out to my car. Frick this. I can't do this anymore.

    I turn up the radio, blasting P!ATD, and drive straight to the bar. I'm going to have a good night. I'm not going to spend the night hoping he'll take me off read and actually reply because he won't. Why would he?

     Walking out of the car, the cold air hits before I'm instantly greeted by the warmth of the bar. Dozens of people gathered together, women clung to their boyfriend's arms and single girls singing off-key in the corner of the bar.

      Since I didn't care to associate with them, I decided to head to the bar. I take a seat and the bartender heads over to me, "What can I get ya?"

      "Give me the hardest thing you've got," I say, placing money on the counter.

        The girl nods and quickly gets to work.

         "Rough day, huh?" A man says, sitting down on the stool next to me.

         "Yeah," I said before looking over at him. "Oh my-"

           The man was NOT how I was expecting him to look. He's a tall, dirty blonde-haired boy with gorgeous green eyes and the most charming smile.

           "You're not too bad yourself," He grins, "Zeke. And you are?"

             I smile softly, feeling my face get warm, "I'm Sean."

            "That's a nice name. It definitely suits you."

             I smile even brighter, "Yours too."

             He laughs, "thanks."

              The bartender slides my drink over to me before looking over at Zeke, "And what would you like?"

             "I'll have the same please," He smiles before going through his wallet.

              I quickly grab forty dollars out of my pocket and place it on the counter. "It's on me."

             "I can't let you do that," he replies still fishing through his wallet.

             I quickly turn towards the bartender, "Yes he can. Keep the extra."

            "Thanks!" She grins, "I'll be right back with the drink."

             "Thank you," I smile as she heads off to prepare the drink.

             "Well thank you so much," He grins, "I haven't really been doing the greatest financially so that's a big help."

               I nod, "Anything for someone as cute as you."

               He laughs, "You're very flirty."

              "I'm sorry," I sigh, realizing the words that have been coming out of my mouth.

               "No, it's cute. I've never met someone this flirty."

              I feel my face grow warm and my heart pounds in my chest. Geez, I haven't felt like this in such a long time. Race was the only person who made me feel like this, he made me feel happy. He made me feel complete. But this guy, he was filling that gap. He was replacing that hole. A hole I desperately needed full.


             The bartender then walks over to us and slides the glass over to Zeke.

             "Thank you."

             She nods before walking towards a crowd of people at the other end of the bar.

             "Are you a personal trainer or something? You're in very good shape," I say, regretting the words after they came out my mouth.

             He laughs, "I'm a police officer. I actually just got off a short shift a few minutes ago."

             "Really?" I grin, "I was always curious about what it would be like if I was a police officer."

             "It's interesting," he smiles, cupping his glass. "I'm almost constantly on call so that sucks but it's not a bad job outside of that."

             "That's cool!"

              "Yeah," He nods, "What about you? Olympic athlete?"

              I laugh, "Not quite. I work for the New York Times."

              "No way! That's so cool!"

              I shrug, "It's not that bad I guess."

             "Geez, you must be very good at writing then. I could never do that."

             "I'm okay," I smile.

              "You'll have to show me sometime," he smiles before taking a sip of his drink.

           I feel my face grow warm and I quickly take a sip of my drink as well, butterflies forming in my stomach. Is this what it feels like to be in love? It's been so long I've forgotten. 

           He glances across the room and smiles before looking over at me, "Down for a game of pool?"

          "What's in it for me?" I tease.

          "How about a kiss?"

          I smile, "Then what if I win?"

          "You're choice," He smiles, getting up from the stool.

           "I take you home," I reply.

           "I'm in," He grins.

           "Oh, you are so going down!"

           "Prove it," He grins, walking over to the pool table and then handing me a cue stick.

           I grin, "Thank you."

           "You first," He smiles.

           I nod and grab the ball. I position it and hit it with the cue stick, watching the balls scatter across the table, a few going into the holes.

           "Wow, You've got quite an arm there," he smiles before taking the stick. He leans down and closes one of his eyes, focusing on the ball. Gosh, he's hot.

          All of a sudden he hits the ball, one of the balls nearly falling into the hole but bouncing off the wall and back towards the center of the table.

         "Darn it," He mutters before handing me the stick.

        I grin, "It was a good shot, officer."

        He laughs, crossing his arms and shaking his head. I hit the ball and it falls into the hole. Wow, I'm on FIRE tonight!

        This back and forth goes on for a little while until we're down to the last ball. I take the stick and hit the ball, it going straight into the hole.

         "Yeah!" I smile brightly. "I win!"

          "Good job," He smiles brightly back.

           "Aww, don't be sad, You can still get your kiss."

          He smiles even brighter before gently cupping my cheeks and pressing his lips against mine. My heart flutters in my chest and the whole world disappears. Is this really happening?

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