Night Club

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Natasha P.O.V

When we left my house she told me we are going night club I was totally shocked but she insisted a lot that's why I have to go with her

Siya: wow Natasha you are looking hot in this dress

Natasha: hot my foot. Have you seen it this is too small I mean I am not comfortable in it

Siya: Natasha chill yaar let's celebrate naa

Siya: Natasha chill yaar let's celebrate naa

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Natasha dress 👆👆

Siya dress 👆👆---------------------------

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Siya dress 👆👆

Natasha P.O.V

We stepped out of her car and made out our way to night club. Oh God music was bumping out of speakers people were eating each other faces oh god help me. While I was walking I felt someone watching my each and every move creep isnt it... but when I turned around I found nothing so I went on with siya.

I saw a bunch of Girls and boys talking to each other and then one of the boy from there waves a hand towards siya she waved back. She dragged me there

Siya: hey what's up guys

They all said in usual having fun. I felt uncomfortable with them so I went near siya

Siya : Natasha they are my school friends and he is my boyfriend his name is Rockey ( the boy who waved hand)

I said hello to him, and then she introduced me too all other members like ananya (her hight was short but still she was beautiful

Then she told me a boy name SIDDHARTH (he was tall, muscular, perfect jaw and brown eyes).he was starting at me and it made me a bit uncomfortable. Then she told me about lisa and jessy they were looking good and beautiful. Soon almost everyone left for dance and I sat alone with Siddharth. He was staring at me that made me more nervous and uncomfortable.

Siddharth: well Natasha you are looking hot.

Natasha: thanks you are too looking good.

Siddharth: well you are not dancing or drinking ?

Natasha: umm well I don't drink nor I know how to dance (well I am a good dancer but I don't want to dance here)

Siddharth: hey girl are you kidding with me like seriously u don't drink or dance.. I mean then why did you came here

Natasha : yeah actually this stupid friend of mine bring me here. I never ever in my life went to any club but yeah this is umm kinda my First time.

Siddharth: oh I knew it you don't look like a party girl type so I was right about you

Natasha: well yes um can you pass me some water I am thirsty.

Siddharth: of course young lady

siddhrth passed me a glass i drank it but it taste not so good.. but it was fine.. i dont know why i felt so suffocated everything is spinning what the hell is wrong with me

Sid: well can i have this beautiful lady for a dance comeon loosen up.. have some fun first thing for first time..

Natasha: fine

sid: here we go


NATASHA the girl i fell in love with the first sight....just a picture of this girl drive me insane she took my sanity away just by her innocent smile..

I first saw Natasha in siya phone wallpaper and that moment I got attracted towards her. Today when I met her it is like a dream for me if I think I am in love with her I loved her at first sight. She is an angel came from heaven oh god she is breathtaking in every clothes but right now she is looking ravishing . Her voice is so melodious to my ears when she told me she don't drink i was bit shocked but then I knew she is so pure I was just lost in my world when she asked for water well I thought it was water so I gave her but no damn it was hard drink god I am dead. well she dance so good and her perfume in intoxicat.

Natasha: Siddharth I am not feeling good I need some fresh air. I am going outside

Siddharth: ok Natasha you go and take fresh air

Hey guys I am back with another chapter finally Siddharth met Natasha well wait wait now heroine also had to meet her hero I am our Abhishek so next chapter will be Abhishek P.O.V so tell me how was the chapter and sorry for any mistakes

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