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Elevator open and when I realized how close we were and I was hugging him tightly and infront of staff thinking about it I blush so hard. But I quickly ran out of elevator don't want to face my so called boss. I went to washroom guessing how I found out well I too don't know? I washed my face and after taking deep breaths found Mr new boss cabine. I knocked in it see "how much manners I have still at that day he called me mannerless well what to do the person who are numberless see everyone as there perspective what I can do it 🙄". Thinking that I went inside. I cleared my throat to gain his attention .

Aaahmm aahmmm I faked cough

No reply then again

Aaaahm aahaaam

No reply what wrong with him. So I thought to call him

Natasha : Mr khurrana.. Mr khurrana...... Mr khurrana... A bit louder

Abhi: what's wrong with you. I know my surname is khurrana. don't you have manners to not disturb people.

Yes same with him what's wrong with him I am his personal assistant and how dare he call me again mannerless I can't face him anymore.

Natasha: I am sorry Mr khurrana but... I was going to speak

He cut me and speak

Abhi: look for me my time is so precious I don't have time for your stupid apologies. Wait for know

He said and again typing in his laptop.i waited for 5 mins but then being irritated by him I turned around and went near door but stopped by Mr new boss.

Abhi: where do you think you are going miss Natasha. I said to wait

Natasha : Home if you don't want me too work so why did you appoint me and yes like your time is important my time is too important

Abhi: who said I don't want you to work for me.

Natasha : so will you tell me what I have to do or you should better fired me. Hmm I am so intelligent if he will fired me so I will get free and then I will find another job.

Abhi : well Natasha what you are thinking is not getting possible and I can't fired you have you forgot our deal that you signed. It's mean that you have to work for me for 2 year's and no one can quit.

Natasha: Holy shit when did I signed that so called deal. Oh no that stupid ex boss of mine I will kill him.

Abhi: well if your done with cursing so should I start telling your work miss.

Natasha : oh no did I said loud.

Abhi: no you didn't but I can read mind.

Natasha :what do you think you are "God " no na

Abhi: I am not God nor I believe in this bullshit they are just statue and nothing

natasha : you don't believe them doesn't mean no one else also don't believe me khurana and yes they are not just staue they are full of forgiveness, they always show you the right path he is (God) full of mercy. They are ray of light to them who forgot there right paths. They are symbol of Peace and happiness just needed is trust ,patience and faith.

Abhi: oh really ! What a lecture about God you told me Natasha wow I am impressed but will tell me if their is anything like you are talking so where was your God of your was gone when child trafficking, drugs dealing was done. If their was something like God so every were would be happiness right according to you so where in the hell he was when people were dieing of poverty, when girls were raped, when your heartless God took away your loveones ! WHERE'S HE WAS.

Abhi: will you tell me. Where he was YOUR GOD

I was shocked totally shocked from his sudden outburst

Abhi: what happened no words left to give me lecture haa. The truth is that their is no God and you are God if yourself.

Natasha : I agree with you but no the truth is not that what are you thinking the truth is God take your test in form of bad situation he test your fate on him and trust on him some pass and some lose.

Abhi: oh really a test wonderful.
He said sarcastically

Natasha: yes a test

He was going to speak but his phone rang. He was talking like
Hello. ya, yaa right now OK I will be coming

Abhi: be ready we are going in a very important meeting. And I hope you know your work

I nodded


Hello beautiful readers it's me again I know this chapter was not good but it was just a filler chapter and mainly In this chapter I want to explain their beliefs and disbelief in God. Hope you guys don't mind it and sorry for any grammatical mistakes and yes just too inform you guys next will include Siddharth our lover boy too till that stay safe

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