Stuck In Elevator

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Natasha dress 👆

Natasha P.O.V

finally new day new start and new office new boss and everything new God knows how will be my boss I don't want to be late that's why I left from home fast. I wore a simple red frock suit and carried my bag. I don't like to put make up and my hair like always open but curled.
I reached my new office 15 min before the timing I went inside to reception and asked

Natasha: good morning I am New here my name is Natasha can you tell me where should I - she cut me in middle and said

Receptionist: Good morning I am Tanya and you have to go at 63rd floor 2nd cabin

Natasha: ok

Well I have to say this building is so big compared to last one where I worked. I reach elevator press the button and it opened i stepped inside and elevator was going to close but someone black shoe ame between and the door opened again. Too my badness it was him Mr Khurana. I didn't dare to look up and meet his eye but his words echoed in my mind don't you have manners to greet your boss. So I quickly turned and mumbled a small good morning.
Oh God it's taking to much time to reach 63rd floor.

Abhishek P.O.V

Today is the day Natasha will be joining. I don't know why I am acting like a sick psycho Lover but I need her besides me in front of my eye.
In excitement kg meeting I left from home early. I reach my office at Time but still have mins left I walk straight towards elevator and it was going to close but I put my shoe and it opened again much to my good luck Natasha was in it. Oh God how can someone be that much breathtaking hot and beautiful without any makeup.
I checked her out simple but still hot. She wished me good morning in her sweet melodious voice making my morning more good oh how I really wish she In my arms standing close to me I was deep in my thoughts when God knows how elevator lights went off and it stopped accident like this never happens so how today?? But then I thought my wish have been done ME and Natasha stuck in an elevator no one to disturb it's just me and her I continuously stared at her and her expression changed and she started panicking.

Natasha: aare yaar iss lift ko kya hoagya? Light bhi chale gayi. Office ka phela din aur mein yaha par iske saath faas gayi.(what happened to light?why did elevator stopped in middle? Aahh....First day of new office and here I am stuck in a elevator with him.

Abhishek: hey Natasha look don't panic everything is all fine I think something is wrong with this elevator

Natasha : no no nothing is fine I am having difficulty to breathe and I can't face darkness

Abhi: what

Natasha : yes I have nytophobia

Abhi: oh no nytophobia

She started more panicking her hands were shaking she was sweating too. What should I do know

Natasha : a..bhi Ca.n you please on your torch or call someone

Abhi: ya I am doing it you just take deep breaths. Do you understand.

I opened my phone torch but she was still panicking, sweating and mumbling things like oh no what will happen Dark and..... So on that I can't hear I took her duppatta (scarf) and put in one her cheeks, head, lips and clean her sweat too while doing it my fingers torched her lips accidentally and they were really soft.

Natasha : please call someone I need to go outside.

Abhi : oh yes
I called in reception I told her I am stuck in elevator and also told her to open it as soon as possible but she sadi she need at least 10 mins

Natasha : what happened what said they ate opening it right

Abhi: Natasha don't worry I am with you please relax and they are opening it you only take deep breaths and relax.
I was telling her but suddenly elevator shaked and she quickly hugged me tightly her face was buried in my chest as she was not that tall like me I wrap my arms around her waist and back and started speaking smooth words to relax her. She was not relaxing but her perfume oh my her perfume is turning me on and she is to close to me in my arms exactly like that how I wanted. She was keep chanting "abhi it will open soon na", well in really wish it don't open because I want to take her in my arms till eternity. I kissed her hair partition and make my hold tight on her waist. We both were like that when a ding sound came and lift door opened. Natasha was so scared that she didn't realize and kept hugging me. But looking at office staff I cleared my throat to gain her attention she looked at me with those beautiful eyes and when she realized elevator door Is opened she quickly take a step backwards and when she looked up and saw office staff her cheeks turned in tomato she blushed really hard and she start biting her lower lips feeling embarrassed God this girl she is turning me on and i think i need a cold water shower to relax myself.
We came outside and I told to every staff to leave and they leave. my angel ran straight so fast she should be in athletics I thought for a min that I didn't get to even glance where she left. But one thing is it I am really Glad to this elevator that I and Natasha got stuck in it..


AN:- Hi beautiful readers well they got stuck in elevator well do you all like it if yes so please tell me in comment section I will really like to know and sorry for any grammatical mistakes. and yes next chapter is gonna be about their point of view towards GOD so be ready for a small fight till now stay safe and read

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