We Met Again

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2 months time skip

Natasha P.O.V

I am already late for my office, yeah office you heard it right after my first hangover I went to find a job it was not too difficult to get one because of my good grades. I get selected in one of the biggest company in Delhi. And it's been 2 months since I joined well back to the point I am late and this Delhi traffic is killing me.

Natasha: aare bhaiya thoda aage bhi chal loon (oh will You move further).

Driver: aare mam agar aage traffic hain toh hum kya karein ( mam if their is traffic so how can I move).

Natasha: thik hai bhaiya par mujh late ho raha hai ( ok uncle but I am getting late)

I looked outside of the window to distract myself...I saw an injured dog in middle of the road, I quickly went out of taxi without saying anything to driver and rush towards the puppy cross the road and held that cute puppy in my hand I walked aside from road to subway path bent down took out my sanitizer and my handkerchief and did first aid while doing I felt burning gaze on my back when I looked around to check no one was there so I ignored that feeling and went towards taxi

Natasha: chaliye bhaiya ( let's leave )

Natasha: chaliye bhaiya ( let's leave )

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It's been 2 months whole 2 months when I last saw that angel, whenever I close my eyes her face came in my view but I have to control and move on. I am sitting in my car and waiting this stupid traffic to over. Someone knocked on my car window I put it down. Their was boy around eight I guess standing with flower in hand

Boy: bhaiya please buy some flowers.

I rolled my eyes

Abhi: I don't need your flowers s now get lost

I was going to close my window but then I saw a girl sitting on her knees I was only able to see her back but I am feeling that I know her. She stoop up and turned then I saw her yes I saw her my angel the girl I was dying to meet is here. She is looking breathtaking like always. Then I saw a puppy in her hand she was smiling looking at that puppy her hair opned and curled then she went to a taxi.

Abhi: follow that car.

Driver: ok sir

We follow that taxi and much to my shocked it stopped infront of my office but another branch. I smirked and said to myself

Soon angel soon you will be with me

I went inside my office and went startight to my cabine. I call my personal assistant

Abhi: I want each and every detail of my other branch staff present In Delhi do you get it .

P.A: ok sir

I smirk on the thought soon she will be with me infront of my eye. Then my P.A came inside

P.A: sir the file you asked is here.

Abhi: leave now.

I took each and every file to search for the person I am looking but. Didn't find her any information I call my p.A

Abhi: cabine right now

P.A: yes sir

Abhi: these are not all employe files

P.A: sir these are the files of the employee who are working more than a year In our company

Abhi: who the hell told you too only bring files of those employe only. E-mail me right know each and every employee and yes you are fired. ( She started crying showing her crocodile tears but whom she is kidding with me.)

Get the hell out here or else you will face consequence.

She mailed me the employee information and then I got what i wanted Her information. Natasha Sharma, age 24 joined 2 months before etc.. I called my other branch men

Abhi: I am coming for an exhibition of my company be ready with project and I wanted the new girl NATASHA SHARMA
To do it alone


I reached my office and started my work a staff came

Staff: Natasha sir is calling you in his cabin

Natasha: ok i am coming

I knocked on door, come in voice came and went in

Boss: oh Natasha take a seat first I want to tell you something

I sit down In seat

Boss: Natasha listen to me very carefully my boss and this company ceo is coming for an exhibition and I personally want you too handle it. Meeting is on Monday so you can start your work

I was shocked by his word I mean I am ok with the exhibition but why me I am new here and I don't know anything so many questions were in mind

Boss: you will be thinking why you? Right ( I nodded)
Because you are so smart and eligible for this according to my opinion so I want you to give your best because our company image is in your hand

Natasha: sir I will do my best .

Boss: you better leave for your house and work from home if any doubt you can talk to me

Natasha: ok sir


Hi guys what do you think what is going in Abhishek mind. Any guess so please tell.
and how was this chapter and if any mistakes so sorry for it.

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