meeting again

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Hi guys its me well have you listen black pink love to hate me it's amazing and my favourite well let's start the story

Natasha P.OV.

I left from their and headed to home. Oh God I have to do so much work, how will i do it . I call siya for some help but she asked me for shopping she want to buy a dress I was going to say no but mom came and said no grocery is left so i should buy from market so I agreed to her.
I parked my scooty but today is my bad luck I crashed in someone car God I am dead the car owner came out of his car and then stared at me I was wearing my helmet that Time he started  shouting on me

 I parked my scooty but today is my bad luck I crashed in someone car God I am dead the car owner came out of his car and then stared at me I was wearing my helmet that Time he started  shouting on me

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Natasha : OH God I am really really sorry.
I said to him while taking out my helmet when finally j was done with my helmet stuff I again said sorry to him but then he said my name NATASHA. how did he know my name but then siya came out of her when did she came? And then hug that boy.  What is going on here?

Siya: Natasha don't say that you forgot Siddharth.

Natasha: well yes I forgot.

Siddharth: well then hi Natasha my name is Siddharth I am siya friend

Natasha : hi Siddharth

Sid: well what are you both doing here?

Siya: this is a shopping mall and we are girls so of course  we are here for shopping. And will you like to join us?

Sid : of course

Currently we are in inside the shopping  mall it seems like we have visited 100 of stores but still siya is not able to find her dress

Natasha : well guys I have to buy groceries so can I

Siddharth : well is it at 2 floor

Natasha : yeah

Siddharth : will you mind if I will join you I mean I have also a work at 2 floor.

Natasha : no no I will not mind at all.

Siddharth P.O.V

I was parking my car but someone crash scooty with my car. I was like what the hell. I came outside of my car and see to whom the Scotty belong too.  And I saw a girl But she can't escape just because she is a girl I will tell her what happens when people cross path with me. I was shouting on her but when she took out her helmet I was shocked to see Natasha. Her hair were on her face so see was waving her hair side to side she was looking so cool. And like always breathtaking beautiful, then siya came and she told they were here for shopping and she invited me to company them and I did.  I have work at 2 floor and Natasha too so we both head to floor but separated to our way.

Siddharth: I have to take right. And groceries are at left counter so if you will done so inform me.

Natasha : okay

Natasha P.O.V

I was searching for cabbage but then while walking a wall came in my View, one sec a wall how, I was about to fall But then two strong arms grabbed me by my waist but then left me. I fell on the ground and
Bang! My back hurts

Abhishek P.O.V

I came into a mall because I have a meeting with the manager of this mall he is a my friend not that close to me. I was walking but then someone bumped into me, I grabbed who ever it was by waist but then left because how dare any one bumped Into me MR. ABHISHEK KHURANA. Then I noticed it was a girl and she fall on the ground
Bang!  Sound came. I was about to leave but then stopped by listening her voice.

Natasha: how could you!

I turned and then saw my angel on floor looking angry but cute and breathetaking gorgeous.

Natasha: oh my god how mean you are,  firstly you bumbed into me then grabbed me but then leave me and now my back hurt badly. Oh hello I am talking to you Mr.  Atleast give me hand make me stand up.

I was lost in my own world while her lips were moving and God knows what she was speaking. Her cheeks turnred red because of the anger but she was looking superb cute I just want to eat her. Her voice wake me up from my dream land

"oh hello I am talking to you.... "

I gave her my hand and she quickly got up and then again started  speaking well it's seems like she was only moving her lips giving me invitation to kiss her right now

Natasha: oh hello Mr. Atleast say sorry you bump into me make a girl fall on the hard ground.  Oh hello I am talking to you are you deaf or something. ( I snapped my fingers infront of his eye to wake him up)

She snapped her little finger infront of my eye she was talking,talking and talking she gave up and was about to leave. But I grabbed her hand pull her close to me

Abhi: atleast say sorry you bump into me. i said with a smirk

Natasha : oh my God  you are saying no no actually demanding me to say sorry but the one came infront of me was you.

Abhi: oh really.

Natasha : yes now leave my hand

Abhi : what do you think huu I will say sorry to you me.  Do you even know who am I or what can I do

Natasha : I don't give a damn who are you or what you can do so better say sorry and leave or else..

Abhi : or else what are you warning me

Natasha: yes I am warning you leave my hand or you will regret.

I was about to speak but some one called her name she bite my hand and ran. I was shocked what did she just did. I mean she didn't actually bite me when her soft lips touched my hand my grip loosened and she ran away.

Abhishek: we will see who will say sorry and who will regret  miss Natasha sharma just wait and watch for MONDAY.


Hi beautiful readers 1057 words I wrote a long chapter hope youall enjoyed it. tell me how was it, and what do you think about abhishek words who will regret what is going to happen on Monday??  Any guesses if  yes so right it down and sorry if any mistakes.

And please vote and comment too lots of love😍😍😍

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