Marry me!!

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Siddharth p.o.v

I was standing with my dad and greeting the Guest but my for the one I am waiting is not coming and I am like meri sapno kei rani kab ayagi toh chali aa toh chali aa after waiting for like hours finally she came my beautiful princess but with that moron abhishek i just loathe him too much he is like a rival to me.

I am superb excited for today and natasha is looking damn good I have a surprise for her I AM GOING TO PROPOSE NATASHA AND MAKE HER mine. I told my liking towards natasha to my dad and my dad to like natasha a lot so I finally decide to marry her. I went towards them

Sid: hey! Hi both of you. Natasha you are looking beautiful. I took her hand and kissed her knuckles. Her hands were really soft like feathers.

Natasha: Thanks sid and you are too looking Good your self.

Sid: good only good.

Natasha : i mean you are looking so handsome like a Greek god.

Sid: ih that I am well Thank for the compliment.

Abhi : khudi kei tariff khud sei karnei ko compliment nahi kahte hai.( when you praise yourself its not called compliment.)

Sid : oh really I didn't knew thanks to tell . I said sarcastically

Abhi: actually you don-

Nats: sorry guys I need to use restroom I should excuse myself.

Natasha p.o.v

I came back from rest room. I don't know why but I am having a strange feeling that something is going to happen. I walk back to the party and saw Siddharth coming towards me.

Sid: Natasha will you mind if you dance with me. I wasn't sure what to say yes or no I was searching for abhishek but he is now where to seen.

Nats: sid but I don't know how to dance. Honestly I know how to dance and I have got so many prizes and trophy too but I don't want to dance right now and specially with Siddharth a big no that's why I have to lie.

Sid: oh then it would be fine for me I can teach you i am a great teacher.

Nats: but what about ab-

Sid: abhishek is already busy in a girl. I think he is really liking the company of that girl she seems hot, so why you bore let you also enjoy.

I look where he was pointing at and there he was abhishek with a girl she seems so hot and sexy too. But why I am feeling this way he has full right to enjoy after all I am only his P.A and nothing more than it.

I took Siddharth hand and went with him to the dancing floor. Sidd put his one hand on my waist and second he intervene our both hand and he dance. Soon other couples also join us.
We dance and dance it was fun with Siddharth and honestly he make me comfortable around him he is a great guy.

He twirl me and held me again.

Sid: you dance well Natasha. Then why did you lie to me. He said making me closer to him by my waist and speaking huskily in my ear. Is he trying to seduce me

Natasha: no-no si-d I was not lie at all it just God knows how my legs are just moving. Why the hell I am stuttering.

Sid: oh I see then why are you stuttering love.

Natasha: sid I am not feeling comfortable I dance a lot I need a drink. Excuse me.

I left his hand but he held it and again twirl me and dance have he lost his mind.

Sid: sorry nats I was just joking please don't leave me in middle of the dance. I looked at him and then nodded. He lift me up and take two three rounds. like I weight nothing for him like seriously man. Sometimes I wonder what do these man eat for being like hulk I can't lift 5kg he lift me so easily ohhh.

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