I - Delegations

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It was 4 a.m when someone banged on my apartment door. While in shock i got up and slowly opened the door revealing my friend and also my manager in front of the door holding a phone near her face.

,, I HAVE AMAZING NEWS CINDY!!!" she said.
,,could those news wait till tomorrow, i had vocal practice till 11 p.m yesterday " i said yawning.

She then came into my apartment and screamed:

My eyes shot up, and i screamed with Elle (the manager) .

,, But the thing is that the flight to Rotterdam is in 3 hours, you have to pack as quickly as possible but regarding costumes, makeup and all the equipment, that's all done because we expected for you to be picked for France. Everyone will be waiting at the airport at 6.30 a.m and Don't be late!!" Elle said.

,, I wont be late i can promise you that!" i said and started running to get my suitcase.

I quickly started rummaging through my wardrobe and ended up trying to zip my suitcase for 10 minutes.
When i zipped it up it was 5.30 a.m .

,,okay so, i need to pick an outfit that's comfortable for the flight."

I ended up going for this outfit ⬇️

( you don't have to go for this one you can just imagine whatever you like)

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( you don't have to go for this one you can just imagine whatever you like)

I slipped on my outfit and called Elle to see where she is.

,, Hello Elle, where are you, should i pick you up?"
,, Bitchhh im in front of your apartment waiting for you! I told you i will be going with you earlier!"
,, Okayy then hang up "

I went to the door to open it and Elle was waiting outside.

,, Did you pack everything???" she said tiredly .
,, Of course i did! including fuego." i said lowering my gaze.
,, YOU PACKED YOUR SNAKE??" she screamed
,, of course i did , i wont let him stay here alone for the next week.
,, ughh whatever, let's hurry!"

We went outside and a cab was waiting for us, we hopped on and got in the airport where the entire team was waiting.
We then got into the plane and settled. After only an hour and twenty minutes we got off the plane, where the entire press was waiting.
While we were getting off another plane landed next to ours and that one was from Italy ... i thought to myself but didn't pay much attention.
We stood there and answered some questions.

,, Hello madame, how are you feeling about representing France on Eurovision right now??" the reporter asked.
,, I feel wonderful, even if i found out about it 4 to 5 hours ago, but besides that i am full of energy and i'm ready for it" i answered.

,, You are presenting France with a song called Good 4 You, do you think this song is the right one for Eurovision" the second reporter asked.
,, Even if this song is about breakup and most of the songs are, I think i can make France proud with my singing and my scenography alongside my team." i smiled and replied.

,, Since there are a lot of countries this year, are you going to try out your knowledge with different languages?"
,, Umm.. why not i'm always up for a challenge!"
,, And what languages can you speak madame??"
,, I can speak French obviously, Italian, English, Russian and German those are the perks of studying a collage for languages" i said.

,, Are you maybe open for some new love interests right now, you maybe know that a Norwegian representative told for the press that they are crushing on Efendi or representative for Azerbaijan, so do you think there's going to be someone that you might catch a liking to?" a Swedish reporter said.

They always know how to make me shut up i thought and after a short silence i answered.

,, I am open for love on Eurovision, i think that is what will connect us in this contest, and as may you know i'm single so why not give it a try?"

While i was finishing my questions up i glanced to the side and saw three boys and one girl answering questions too, and i wondered if they were part of eurovision and what country do they represent.

When i was finished with my questions a black van was waiting for us and we hopped on.
After 20 minutes we were in a hotel lobby where Elle gave me my schedule.
The hotel was a luxury one and i couldn't stop looking around..

,, Here, this is your schedule, don't lose it and i'm going with the delegation to discuss your stage decoration" she said looking at me.

,, okayyy..." i said

While i was looking around  i saw that band again entering the lobby and i stared at them until Elle told me she wasn't going to stay with me in my room.

,,your room is on the 28th floor, i have to go now, go get settled in, and also i'm not staying in this hotel because its just for the competitors." she said
,, Nooooo whyyy," i whined.
,, It's okay now shoo" she told me.

The band was already in the elevator when i was heading to it, in front of me stood 3 men, two of them had long hair while one of them had short and observed me like i'm a snack.. i mean i'm not a snack i'm a whole damn meal,and next to them was a girl she was foyne as hell too, but then i forgot my room number and i mentally cursed myself.
I quickly grabbed my phone and started calling Elle while the band looked at me confused.

,,Hey Elle, i kinda forgot in what room i'm in" i said in Italian.
( Cindy is currently studying in Italy, but had to go back to France for a summer break, in Italy she met Elle and almost the whole team, so it's natural to speak Italian for her).  ( main character moment -_-)

The whole group looked at each other amusingly and i saw it because the elevator was made of  mirrors..

,, oh my god Cindy!!?, You are in room number 28, how can you forget your room number but you didn't forget to bring a freaking snake?" Elle said.
,, aaah, okay i'm sorry you must be at a meeting with the delegation.. I'll see you back in my room" i told her and quickly hung up and pressed the 28th button.

I saw the amused look on the whole bands faces and that made me nervous.
,, We didn't know you were from Italy" the blonde girl said next to me.
I quickly turned around and said:
,, ohh, my mom is half Italian and i study at Italy too, my name is Cindy by the way.."

,, Oh my name is Victoria , this is Ethan, Thomas, and that is Damiano" she pointed at a man behind me and once i turned around i got nervous because he was sooo freaking foyne...

,, nice to meet you" I quickly rambled, and prayed to god that the elevator opened soon.
,, so what country are you representing?" i said calming myself down.

,,oh it's Italy" she said and i mentally cursed myself
,,and what about you? " said that boy behind me while smirking at me.

,, Im representing France, that's where i was born just to clarify.." and luckily the elevator opened at the right time.. ,, It was really nice meeting everyone, i'll be sure to check out Italy on youtube!" i said while leaving

and i heard Damiano say:  ,, oh we'll check out France for sure too"  while whispering but i think he intentionally said it so that i can hear.

I quickly rushed out the elevator and found my room.

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