XVIII - Love you

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Damiano burst through the door as i was fixing my makeup.

,, what are you doing here" i said with a monotone voice.
,, i guess you saw the news, and i'm here to explain myself " he said coming closer to me while i took a step back and put a hand on his chest to push him away.

,, damiano, i really don't wanna do this.. i have suffered enough and it's the end of eurovision we'll be going back to our countries in two days anyway" i said as i tried going around him.
,, i don't care but you have to listen to me" he said.
,, Georgia WAS my girlfriend you see, but we broke up a month before eurovision, i don't know what you thought but that girl is really a psychopath.. she even flew all the way to rotterdam just to say she'll never leave me alone" he said grabbing my hand to stop me from leaving his side.

,, i just.. i need time to process all of this, and i think we have to take a little break from.. us and.. all of this." i said.
,, i really can't promise anything.. i went through more heartbreaks these 7 days that i have been on eurovision than in middle school, so please give me time" i said as i tried leaving again.

,, i'll give you time, but remember that what i felt these 7 to 6 days was real" he said.
,, i hope you're right" i said as i left the bathroom door.

I went back to my green room since they were announcing the points from other delegations.
I had to look happy and cheerful at all time incase a camera was pointed at me.
The announcing begun.
There were a lot of points given to Italy and Malta..

15 minutes later..

I can't believe it! Top 3 right now were Italy Switzerland and France that is me!
I was shocked and almost started crying.
Now that everything is done with delegation points, it was the time to see the public vote.
I was too nervous i almost started shaking since the first 4 delegations got 0 points.

10 minutes later..

We were now on to the top 5 countries that needs to get their public vote. I was too nervous..
Lithuania gets from the public vote.. 136 points!
The hosts announce.

Malta gets from the public vote.. i'm sorry.. 34 points.
I was shocked.. as the next public vote was mine and o was shaking..
,,okay.. France are you ready???" the host said as we cheered on.
,, France gets.. from the public vote..  346 Points!!!!"
he said and i was speechless!! That means we were on top of the leaderboard and that means we have in total 576 points..
I started crying a little while Elle was hugging me.

Next up was Switzerland points.. and oh man was i nervous.
,, Switzerland from the public vote.. gets.. 216 points!" said the hosts while Our delegation was jumping..

Next delegation was Italy, and i really hoped they would pass Switzerland.. I looked at Damiano and mouthed ,, love you" as they were waiting for the results. He answered back with a kiss and turned back around to wait for the results.

,, Italyy are you readyyy?? The public vote for Italy iss.. 287 points..which means that it's a tie?!" the host said as we looked at the score board shocked together with the audience.

,, we would like to call the representatives of Italy and France on the stage please" the host said and i quickly panicked a little as i stood up and went to the stairs that went up the stage, when Damiano held my hand as we went up the stage as the audience cheered.

,, because its  a tie which never happened in eurovision history! we are giving extra 5 minutes for the audience to vote! after 5 minutes we will close the lines for voting and whoever gets more votes win." said the host as we stood there holding hands.

,, since we have to wait five minutes we are gonna ask you some questions for time to pass!" said the host.

,, so how are you feeling right now?!" said the other host handing the mic to Damiano where he answered:
,, i am thankful for everyone that voted, i couldn't imagine that i was gonna be standing here fighting for the first place, and i'm really nervous" he said as he passed the mic to me, i tried letting go of his hand to hold the mic but he didn't let go and said ,, you can use your other hand" laughing while i got red a little.

,, i'm eternally grateful for everyone in the audience that voted and for everyone that's voting now, also my family, and i'm quite nervous too" i said.

,, there isn't any problems between you two is there" the host asked and i had to answer because the mic was in my hands.

,, um, i think there isn't any problems between us, is there?" i turned my head to Damiano as i asked giving him the mic.
,, of course not" he answered.

,, what's the first thing you're gonna do when you win?"
Damiano answered: ,,probably call my family and celebrate with my band mates and my loved ones"
,, what about you miss Cindy?" he asked cocky.

,, i'll probably be crying and hugging my family and i would celebrate with the other contestants" i said.

,, the 5 minutes is almost up! as we got an announcement from the headquarters. Because you tied with the votes it counts like you both won eurovision, so you'll both be invited to the eurovison parties and events, but whoever gets the most votes right now will host the eurovision next year and will be the legitimate winner of eurovision 2021." the host said.

,, Now the time is UP!" the other host said.
,, we got the total number of votes here in this envelope!" they said as they opened it."


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