II - Unintentional

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I quickly found my room and went in it trying to calm down after the meeting in the elevator.
I quickly took a shower to freshen up and to loosen up my mind a bit because it kept going back to that man behind me in the elevator.

I put some fresh clothes on and right now was 9 a.m , i thought it would be crucial to check my schedule for today.

,,okay so in an hour and a half i have a looklab with Nikki.." i paused a second and started jumping around the room.
IM MEETING NIKKI TUTORIALS !! i don't want to spoil my costume for the performance so i should wear something noticeable and chic....
I ended up putting together a black combination and to top it all off i added some black combat boots.
( can change the outfit to whatever you like)

So it was 9:30 already so i just rushed down the hallway because i had to go to my room in the eurovision arena to get my makeup and hair done in an hour

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So it was 9:30 already so i just rushed down the hallway because i had to go to my room in the eurovision arena to get my makeup and hair done in an hour.

Rushing down the hallway i bumped into someone's shoulder and i admit it was a strong one.
I physically stumbled back a little with a shocked face.

,, Im realllly sorry i didn't see you there " i said and looked up to meet the same eyes from the elevator.
I froze.

,,It's no problem" he said scanning me up and down.
I instantly got nervous.
He then grew a smirk and started coming closer to me, but with my instinct i stepped back and back until i felt a wall behind me.
,,shit" i quietly said.

,,what's that?? little Cindy can cuss?" he said putting one arm next to my head.
I stayed silent.
,, cat's got your tongue?" he said chuckling a little bit.

I then turned to the other side to leave but he puts his left hand next to my shoulder in a swift moment.

I didn't know where to go, but i was also surprised on how outgoing he was.
,,I-" i tried to say but i got cut off by a door opening next to us, and Damiano quickly removed his hands while i took this opportunity to RUN to the elevator.

i stood near the button and started pushing it with an amazing force, but it didn't too long for Damiano to come around the corner.
Just then the elevator opened and i rushed in, pressing the button to close the door so rapidly.

Damiano was nearly at the door when they closed.
And i took a breath of relief.
The elevator door opened at the 12th door revealing Victoria from the same band.

,, Oh Hi there, was it Cindy?!" she said
,, oh yeahh it iss, how are you doing ?" i replied
,, eh, everything is fine, do you mind me taking a look at your schedule, our manager mistook it with the delegation of Switzerland, but they said we have the same schedule with France for the day" she said.

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