VII - Interruptions

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We enjoyed the music a lil longer, but Damiano didn't remove his hand from my waist this entire evening..
Suddenly a man came up to our table.
,, Excuse me if i'm bothering but i'm the manager of the cafe, we noticed that you two are the participants in eurovision this year so we thought about asking if you wouldn't mind to sing a song together.." the manager told..
,, ummm why not" Damiano said looking at me for the answer..
,, i mean sure, but what song are we gonna sing..?"
,, do you know Torn a Cassa" he asked me.
,, um yeah i know it but only the chorus" i said
,, lets go sing then" he said standing up and taking me with him.

We were on stage right now and we got two high stools, the vibe turned warm and romantic..
Damiano started singing the beginning while i singed the chorus.
We swayed to the rhythm... and when the song ended everyone clapped, but we only managed to brinf rhe attention back to us, and we only attracted the press and paparazzi so we quickly took our leave..

We decided to walk back to our hotel..
,, Oh My God Cindyy, someone uploaded the video of you two singing Torn a Cassa on Instagram and it has 2 million views already.." she said excited.
,, omg really" i said surprised.
Everyone looked shocked...
,, I guess we can't underestimate the power of your fans" said Benny smiling awkwardly.

,, you two have to do a cover of the full song one day." said Ethan.
,, i mean sure but some other day, i am tired as hell." i said and Damiano only nodded with his head.

Bennys manager came for him because of his schedule while Ethan had to accompany Elle to her hotel, and in the end me and Damiano were left all alone.
I turned to leave but Damiano quickly took me by the hand.
,, and where do you think you're going" he said lifting his eyebrow.
,, and where do you think i'm going to?? obviously my bed" i said.
,, i like this" he said smirking.
,, but you are going to your bed mister" i said amusingly.
,, i don't think so" he said leaning in closer.

When we saw a white light which was the paparazzi.
We looked at each other and Damiano quickly dragged us to the pool i think?!.
,, What are we doing at the pool" i asked.
,, well what do you do at the pool?" he said winking and dragging me along with him.
,, please tell me you brought a swimsuit?" he asked again.
,, i did, but i'm no way in hell swimming with you here, anyone can come down here and see us" i said.
,,even better" he said leaning in front of my face.
,, that's not funny, i promise we'll go to the pool some other day, but tonight is a no no." i said pushing him away a little bit.
He nodded and took me back to the elevator and he pressed number 28th.

,, as long as i can remember you're room isn't at the 28th floor" i said confusingly.
,, i know" he said turning his head back.
,, what do you mean ,you know' ?" i asked.
The elevator door opened.

He lead the way back to my room, and we both entered my room.
,, im not joking, what are you up to" i asked sighting.
,, im not up to anything, let's just watch a movie" he said raising his eyebrow.
I looked at him disapprovingly.
,, you don't like me that much?" he asked .
,, it's not that i don't like you, i don't like how you play with feelings" i said looking down.

,, i promise not to try anything, if i do you i will serve you for a whole day" he said.
,, i like this !" i said smiling.
,, but it goes both ways" he said smirking.
,, it doesn't matter, i'm not starting anything first, buut if i win you will have to stop bothering me for a day" i said still smiling.
,,what about half a day?" he said.
,, sure but, keep your promise" i said.

He just nodded.
I went past him to the living room and i took my shoes off, then i started going to the bedroom, but his voice cut me off.

,, where are you going??" he said smirking.
,, to change, obviously " i said with a duh face.
,, change here" he said still smirking.

I just rolled my eyes and i entered the bedroom, of course locking it, and i changed into a pair of sweatpants and quickly brushed my hair out:

I just rolled my eyes and i entered the bedroom, of course locking it, and i changed into a pair of sweatpants and quickly brushed my hair out:

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I went to open the door of the bedroom when the doors revealed Damiano leaning on the door frame.
I almost ran into him.

,, omg, what are you doing here leaning on the door frame????" i asked questionably.
,, waiting for you, what else" he answered smirking.
,, the night just started, and you are already failing" i said also leaning on the door frame.
,, are you challenging me?" he asked.
,, what if i am?" i answered raising my eyebrow.
,, that's all i needed" he said picking me over his shoulder, i protested but to no vail, he then put me on the bed and hovered over me,
When we heard knocking on the front door.

,, fucking hell who is it now." he said angrily, and getting off of me.
I quickly got off the bed and went straight to the front door. I opened the door and in front was standing Thomas.
,, Im really sorry for bothering you, have you seen Damiano, we have something to take care of on our schedule" he said.
,, umm, no i didn't see him since we got back from the cafe." i said.
,, okay thank u" he said leaving.

I quickly closed the door and went back to the bedroom.
,, Thomas was here, he said your band has something on the schedule to take care off, so you better hurry back" i said leaning on the door frame.
,, Omg, right now?l" he asked raising his voice a lil bit"
,, yes right now." i answered and walked to him taking him by the arm and slowly pulling him.

But instead me pulling him off the bed he pulled me on top of him..
,, what the hell are you doing, you have to go now" i said.
,, i don't want to" he said.
,, remember this is eurovision there isn't an option."
,, i'll go if you give me a kiss" he said

I just stood there hovering over him with shocked eyes.
,, we kissed three times until now, i think that is enough" i said trying to get off of him, but he turned us over so that i was under him.

,, one more isn't going to kill us" he said.
i stood  there thinking.
,, do you promise you'll go once i .. kiss you." i said and his face was shocked.
,, i promise right here ." he said.
,, okay get up and i'll .. kiss you in the front door just to be sure" i said getting up.
,, okay, sure" he said.

We went to the front door and he waited in front of them.
,, what are you waiting for" he said smirking.
I quickly got on my tippy toes and pecked him, because i knew if i kissed him on his cheek he wouldn't leave.
I quickly closed the door not wanting to make eye contact..
So hello everyone, i had so much fun writing these chapters, and i would really like if all of yall left some ideas, i am really running out of them..
and also i'd like to thank all of yall 200 mother fuckers that still read this book, it's actually my first time writing this and i'm so grateful thank u ❤️

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